What was left behind ( third person)

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Mike slowly stood up, still looking at the creepy, decaying thing. Slowly reaching for its head, the animatronic moved back. Mike was confused.
" Mike, I'm sorry... But im... Not living anymore..." Said the animatronic.
" vin... How?.... Why??..." Mike began to tear up. Slowly, vin's metal hand rubbed Mike's cheek.
" I finished what I've started.... For now... I'm sorry Mike..." Then suddenly, Mike coughed out blood. Looking down, Vincent's hand pierced through Mike's stomach. Slowly, they both fell to their knees. Vincent held Mike close. And began to sob.
" I'm sorry Mikey!!! It's not me!!!! I love you Mikey!!!!! I'm so sorry..." Cried Vincent over Mike's dying body. Mike choked a little .
" I....-cough-.. L..love ... -ack- ... You too...vin-......" After those words , Mike gave his last breath. Vincent scream out in guilt, grief , and pain. I just killed his love....
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" Roared Vincent. Slowly, he carried his lovers corpse to the storage room. He placed on the floor against the wall. Then left the room...
Weeks , months, and years past. Jeremy was now not so jumpy anymore and moved out. PG was found dead in his apartment; he hanged himself . Both Mike and Vincent were never found. Soon the jumpscare theme was over. They went to shut down the springtrap animatronic , but when workers when in the storage room, they found the remains of Mike Schmidt  and the suit next to him. When they opened it, they found the mummified remains of Vincent bishop . They were holding hands. Some reported seeing two men in the hallways, hand in hand. Some say it was the night guards ... The dead ones... Still in love... Forever....

Call me psycho, but I love u ( Vincent x mike)Where stories live. Discover now