The demons ( third person; Vincent's dream)

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In the darkness of his dreams, Vincent was back to back with someone that looks like him, but wasn't. They sat on the base of the darkness. One was well dressed, the other beaten up. Finally, the beaten up one spoke.

" why are you doing this?" Said Vincent.

" dOing wHat? YouR Job?" Replied the well dressed one.

" I didn't want this life... This is your fault..." Vincent puts his head between his knees .

" my FaUlT? I Am yOu In eVerYWay..." Slowly his face come to view; his mouth is all sharp teeth, no lips, eyes blood red.

" true but I don't want to be you..."

"Too LaTe, viNceNt, yoU anD I aRe thE saMe...." He licks Vincent's neck to his cheek. Vincent shivered in response. The demon's hands slipped to Vincent's chest and pulled him closer. Vincent wanted to pull away, but he was to weak to move. Suddenly he saw Mike as a child.

" Mikey? Is that you?..." Pulling free, he runs to kid Mike. He reaches out but noticed someone behind him. It was her. The girl he butchered. Then more of the children poured from behind. Vincent falls back, crawls back to the demon.

" yOu seE, thEy waNt reVenGE...." Growled the demon in his ear. They came closer. And closer. But suddenly, Mikey stops them. Both Vincent and the demon watched. Mikey tells the kids to back off. They did so and Mikey ran to Vincent. Vincent held Mike tight. He began to cry. 

" I love you Mikey, I love you so much..." Vincentrepeated over and over until he woke up. Slowly looking around and seeing Mike made him feel better. 

" Mike....... I .... Love you...." It came out as a whisper and was barely heard....

Call me psycho, but I love u ( Vincent x mike)Where stories live. Discover now