Time is not on our side ( vincents pov)

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I looked at them both... This was kinda sad... Well, here goes nothing...
" Mike... I'm breaking up with you..." I said calmly. Slowly he stood up, shocked.
" wha... What?..." He said confused.
" I can't take this jealousy and beating anyone Mike, I mean, I almost died... It's not you, it's me... But it's over... I'm sorry..." I looked at PG and sighed.
" vin... What are you doing?" PG asked.
" shut up, you fucking idiot... Get up so you and I can leave... I'm done here.." I turned around and sorta limped out the door....
Weeks past~~~
I went to the bar for some booze. As I entered, there he was; Mike. As usual, he drinks his from the bottle. I sat three chairs away from him, but we noticed each other anyway. After my drink, I left to the pizzaria. I had some unfinished business to take care of...
I looked at them... Yes them.... The animatronics.... They looked at me back in full hatred. I don't fucking blame them..... I went to the  office and grabbed the ax that was for emergencies only, heh heh, fuck that... Slowly, Freddy came alone... He was looking for me... Well guess what, IM AFTER YOU....

Call me psycho, but I love u ( Vincent x mike)Where stories live. Discover now