Balloons ( vincents pov, before fire)

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Oh... He came... Freddy fucking fazzbear was looking for me... They ALL were... I found Freddy in a empty hallway. Clutching my ax, I ran to him.... Heheh... Hahahahaha!!! I motherfucking swing the ax at him!!! I chopped him into broken parts. No second later, Bonnie came... I did the same... Then Chica .... I did the same.... Lastly foxy... I hesitated a bit cause... It reminded me of Mike... I was there when he got bit.... But I had to... To end  my nightmares... So I did the same..... I was semi covered in oil...
" finally... It's over... I got away with murder... " I said to myself. But I heard them...,
" Vincent... We are still here..." They whispered to me. They were there.... Still there...
" no!! Stay back!!! Don't touch me!!! Get away!!!" I yelled as I ran away from them. They followed me... When will this nightmare end?!? I ended up trapped in the storage room. No more doors... No escape... But a suit was there, and old golden Bonnie suit used but was taken down during the bite of '83. I had no other choice. As they drew near, I began to put on the suit as fast as I could. When they arrived, I was fully suited up.
" hahahahaha!!! You can't touch me now!!!" I taunted. But... They smiled.... When I moved, nuts and springs flew out. Then... CLAMP!!! CRUNCH!!! CRACK!!! The suit's metal endoskeleton pierced every limbs, chest, and head. Blood splashed every.
" AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! HEEELLLPPPP MEEEEEE!!!!!! RAAAHHAAHHAHHHHH...- couch cough wheeze cough gurgle gurgle- PLEASE...." Slowly... I sat against the wall... Gushing blood.... And died there...... No sooner, I was a ghost... I saw the kids clearly now.... They were holding balloons... So was I... I was still trapped in the suit.... All of  them... They were leaving me... Except a boy... Who was dressed as golden Freddy... Stayed with me...
" I... Can't move.... Please... Take my balloon...." I said weakly to him, handing my ballon. He was about to grab it until... POP!!... The kids that looked like a pirate popped it.
" ... You shall never leave... Now you will know how was it like to suffer forever...." He takes golden Freddy, and leaves. I was alone. Shocked. Pure rage filled my heart.
" well.. If I can't leave..." I looked at the oil trail on the floor. With a quick swipe of metal, I sparked it. Flames bursts everywhere, I can hear their immortal screams, " NEITHER WILL YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I saw the whole place burn.... Then I fell into slumber. Then I woke up in the ugly ass building... Rottening... It must of been months... I decide to walk around... Well barely walk, I'm broken. As I made my way... I saw him... Him... Mikey... I followed him. He was scare when I called his name.
" Mikey.... It's me.... Vincent...."

Call me psycho, but I love u ( Vincent x mike)Where stories live. Discover now