Chapter 34 [Speculations!]

Start from the beginning

Elise sighed, and stepped off her front porch. Tatiana fell in step with her, and the two huddled out the gate, before she responded. “He’s been acting like that for a while. Ever since I came back from my afternoon chat with Accra and Queen Lucilla a month ago, he’s been doing that.”

“Just like that? Staring?”

“And wanting to spend time together. I mean, I love my dad, but I don’t necessarily want to spend 24 hours with him. At first he kept reminiscing about when I was younger, and how we used to hang out all the time. I was funny to hear him talk about when I was a baby; he never really did that. But now, it’s...”

Elise was struggling to find the right word, so Tatiana helped her out. “Overbearing?”

“Yes! I told mom, and she said that I should just humour him,” Elise sighed again.

After Elise’s confession, the two remained silent, and just continued to stroll down the side walk. Not really going to any destination. The main reason they left the house was to escape and get some fresh air, so they continued aimlessly walking.

“Maybe he’s sad that you’re leaving,” Tatiana murmured a while later.

“Leaving? I’m not leaving,” Elise sounded scandalised.

Tatiana threw her a glance that read ‘Oh! Really?’ Holding up her thumb and index finger so close together, not even wind could past through them, Tatiana stared at her. “You’re this close to getting in engaged, and you don’t think that’s leaving. You’ll soon be married, and then you’ll be off to live in the palace and your poor dad is realising all this and is getting nostalgic.”

Considering her friend’s words, Elise gently pushed down Tatiana’s hand. “Okay. You have a point. But I’m not engaged, at least not yet, anyways. And from what Accra has planned, I’m guessing the wedding will take at least six months to plan and execute, so I’ll definitely not be leaving home any time soon. Not that I’m complaining. I want to spend more time at home, with my mom and dad, now that you put it that way.”

Tatiana stopped and wrapped both her arms around Elise’s shoulders from the side. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. It’s not like you’re going to be living on Mars, or even another country. If we miss you, we can always put on the television, and there you’ll be!”

Elise laughed at that. But was prevented from responding by a little girl running up and hugging her around the middle. Tatiana released her, just as the girl’s mother came up to them.

“I’m so sorry about that,” the woman said to them; then called to the child, “Come on Lizzie.”

“It’s quite alright,” Elise said, releasing the girl’s hand from around her waist, but kept them in her hands as she bent to talk to the girl.

Soon afterwards, a small neighbourhood crowd had gathered, and they were all asking her questions about an upcoming proposal.


Elise wasn’t the only one being bombarded by questions about a proposal.

Leonidas was lifting weights, or trying to lift weights, as Accra was every step behind him.

“Grandmother, as I’ve told you for the past couple of months, I’ll propose soon,” Leonidas snapped, a little impatient at the constant questioning.

“Well, ‘soon’ isn’t soon enough!” Accra snapped back.

“Please you two try to keep it civil,” Thane intervened, somewhat reluctantly.

They went in the palace gym, so there was no scene to cause, but Thane still felt that he should keep things calm.

“Shouldn’t you be helping Catie with the guest list?” Accra turned to him.

Thane knew he should have kept his big mouth shut. Ever since the encounter with Catie when he had first arrived, Thane had tried to keep out of her way. Not that Accra was helping. She was throwing them together every opportunity she can. And Catie was being as welcoming as a snow storm. Not that he blamed her. He was the one who ignored all her attempts at contacting him since the betrothal was broken.

“Well?” Accra prompted.

“She said she’ll call me if she needed any help,” Thane revised. Actually what Catie told him was that she’d get a blow horn and shout out for him. Hopefully, she had said, he’ll answer to that, since he ignored all her other calls.

“Hmm, some help you be, Thane,” Accra told him mockingly.

He blew a sigh of relief when she turned back to her grandson, and he was saved from further prodding.

But his sigh of relief was short lived, as Leonidas’ phone rang. Taking it out to read the text message he had just received, Leonidas smiled, before addressing the two; “It’s been a pleasure being grilled by you, grandmother, and exercising with you Thane, but I have a horse to go pick out for my beloved.”

Thus, Thane and Accra were left in the gym by themselves. And as if the universe was against him, as soon as Leonidas left, the door had properly close as yet, before it was pushed back open and Catie walked in.

Accra smiled, and just hustled off behind Leonidas.

Catie tried to block Accra’s retreat, but Accra just turned her around, and continued walking.

 “Accra, wait! I need to ask you about this list!” Catie called, and made to go after her.

But the sly Devil just waved her off, and said: “Ask Thane.”

Catie didn’t look in Thane’s direction, but just made to leave. Feeling guilty, Thane called her back. “I could help you with the list.”

“You could, but that would require you actually talking to me, Thane.  Are you even capable of talking to me?” Catie sassed, but didn’t wait for an answer as she followed Accra’s lead and left.

Thane sighed, and looked around the abandoned gym. He gave a small laugh, and wondered to himself how the trouble shooter for the royal family could royally screw up his own life.


GUYS! ... I forgot to mention that there will be a sequel! .. =) ... YAY! I’m glad u guys were so demanding about one! I already have the cover, thanks to SamRider... and I’ve finished the blurb! ... The general plot is still not thought out, but you’ll be happy to know that it revolves around Leo and Elise’s wedding! ... And unfortunately, it’s not Catie and Thane’s story... It’s the best man and maid of honour's story.. Any guesses who? o.O ... =D ... Take Care! 

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