Chapter 25: Hardcore Violence and Temporary Silence

Start from the beginning

I ignored the insult, blinking at him, confused. "Hide what?"

"That hickey, you dumbass."


"Who's it even from? New girlfriend?" Zander asked, casual, as if he wasn't asking the worst possible questions.

My gaze snapped to Callaway's, fear painting my face. I tugged fervently at my sweater, desperately trying to hide the small flush of red decorating my neck.

I gave Zander an absent look, mouth fluttering open.

He waved me off. "You know what? It doesn't matter, I just hope she's hot." Zander faced me, eyes growing excited. "What I'm really here for is to tell you about this party coming up soon at a buddy of mines' house. It's gonna be sick and you have to come. People haven't been seeing you around much and are getting scared that you're turning lame."

I didn't even bother thinking much about it, just spitting out an answer. "Yeah, I'll go - just let me know about the details."

Zander's eyes lit up, face breaking into a beam. "Nice! I'll let everyone know. Oh -" he paused, glancing at Callaway, "and you can bring Hannibal here if you want."

I clenched my jaw, forcing a smile. "Thanks."

"Hey - no problem. I'll text you later!" Zander gleamed, already ambling away from the table to go talk to some random girls a few feet away.

I watched his back with slight displeasure before returning my gaze to my soup.

"I absolutely and resolutely abhor him."

I frowned at Callaway. "I know. Sorry about that."

"Hmm." Callaway hummed, noncommital. "Nonetheless, I am not going to that party."

"Why not? I'll be there," I pouted. "And there'll be your favorite thing - alcohol."

"Sounds alluring," Callaway admitted. "Though, additionally, there's also the epitome of things I hate."

"Zander?" I questioned.

"Close." Callaway intoned. "But it's teenagers."

"You're a teenager," I reminded him.

Callaway said nothing.

I tried something else. "I'm a teenager."

"No, you're a child," Callaway corrected, voice dull. "I'm not attending the event."

I huffed, unwilling to argue with Callaway anymore, so I stared at my soup wordlessly.

I hardly even noticed the presence of a new person as they slid into the seat Zander had previously be occupying.

"Chance - who gave you those hickeys?"

I recognized the proper use of his name, and looked up, startled as I found Aly's face.

I rolled my eyes. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Because it's the biggest news in the school." She shrugged. "'Chance Andrews, the boy every girl is crushing on, is getting sexy with the school's psychopath.'" She laughed at her own joke. "People are certain of it. And it's hard to deny it too. Every single person is convinced those love bites are from Callaway," Aly explained, voice chiding as she sipped at her water bottle.

"They are."

I almost puked.

My gaze ripped away from Aly, towards Callaway in resolute horror.

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