1D vs. Girls vs. 5sos (29)

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Calum's P.O.V
Now I know who was crying...

Kristy moved to the side and all us guys walked into the room.

I looked behind me and saw ashton about to hug Kristy when she ended up flinching.

I felt bad for him. I really did

"Guys it was just a joke. Its not like we fucked someone on the other side of the wall like you guys did." Camryn spoke up

"Yeah. We just wanted to get back at you guys. We didn't mean to make you guys this pissed..." Hailey said

I walked in not even wanting to say anything and sat down on the couch across from the girls beds

Everyone looked over at ashton and kristy who we're just mumbling to each other. Kristy didn't speak up to all of us. They were just having their own conversation

"We didn't actually fuck anyone." Michael said

"Says the one with hickeys all over his neck." Hailey spoke up and all of us guys looked over at him and his eyes widened

Mikey's P.O.V
Who the hell did she see? Wearing a sweatshirt

I looked over at camryn and she just looked down playing with her fingers

Calum's P.O.V
"It was a girl at the club... I was... Drunk." He said awkwardly and we all nodded

My phone vibrated and I looked down at it. It was a text from ellie.

And don't make fun of my name for her! She thinks its cute...

Cupcake: You didn't cheat on me right?

Me: The question is, did you cheat on me?

Cupcake: No calum! Listen to yourself. Why in the world would I do that? That's crazy

Me: I'm believing you...

Cupcake: calum really. You shouldn't even have had to second guess yourself. Gosh

I changed the subject, not wanting to get anymore into that

Me: were you the one crying?

Cupcake: how did you know? Is my face red?

Me: we could hear. And not anymore, it was before

Cupcake: oh... Well in that case yeah

Me: why?

Cupcake: I thought you were the one... You know... Getting laid

Me: no. It was just a joke. A prank I guess

I looked up at her and she smirked

"Prank war." Ellie said and everyone's eyes shot to her, even ash and kristy

"What?" Everyone said

The girls caught on and all smirked as well

"You guys have started a prank war." Kristy said

Luke's P.O.V
I wasn't sitting on the couch with the guys anymore

I was sitting next to hailey

I slid my arm around her waist and pulled her to my side

She hapily leaned her head on my shoulder and I kissed her head but no one noticed

"You guys have started a prank war." Kristy said

"A prank war?" Mikey repeated and all the girls nodded

The next thing we knew the door swung open and 1d showed up

"Were joining the prank war." Louis said

"How the hell did you guys even hear us?" I asked

"They're not human!" Camryn laughed trying to lighten up then mood which of course, Worked

"You can hear everything through these walls." Liam said and everyone shrugged. "Us, niall, Louis, harry and me versus the girls and the rest of the guys."

We all agreed and shook on it

"Whatever team gets the most pranks in... Three days, gets to choose something they want." Kristy said and everyone nodded

We all shook on I and went to our own rooms to get dressed for the day.

Ellie's P.O.V
"What a morning." I sighed, leaning my head back in the chair

"I know right." All the girls answered
"Do you girls want to hear a song we made?" Cal asked and we nodded

We were currently on the guy's tour bus and I was lovin' it

"There are two." He said and we nodded, again.

"They are called English Love Affair and Daylight." ashton added and we nodded AGAIN
"Really?" I laughed. "Princess getting naked, falling on their faces." I mimicked

"Did you not like the song?" Cal asked me

"No I did. I was just joking." I said and they all nodded
"OOOO! I LIKE THAT SONG!" Kristy said, playing it again and pulling hailey up from her bunk and dancing with her

"Weirdos." Nial said and Hailey rolled her eyes then laughed
"EWWW! Guys what the hell! Now pee is everywhere! This prank- I don't like this prank!" Harry shouted from the bathroom and everyone's eyes shot to the other group of boys. Calum, mikey, ash, and luke.

"Heheh. It was me." Ashton giggled

"What did you do?" We all questioned

"I put clear stuff, whatever its called, on the bottom of the toilet seat so none of you could see and when you took a piss it would not go in the toilet but splash everywhere." He said and everyone laughed but us girls gagged

"That's so nasty!" Ellie said

I was sat next to Ashton, ellie was cuddled up in calum's arms, camryn was sat on mikey lap, re-dying his hair red, and Hailey had Luke's head on her lap as she played with his gigantic quiff.

(A/N even though the quiff is gone Now, we shall forever praise it and always say he has his quiff in fanfictions. Thank you for listening. Rest in peace Luke Hemmings 2 inch quiff)

Harry came out the bathroom ten minutes later with a huge frown on his face

He sat next to me and groaned

"One point for 5sos." Luke fist bumped ashton and I rolled my eyes looking at the girls

We all nodded to each other, already knowing what our prank will be
What do you think their prank will be? Maybe Hey Violet will help you get an idea ;D

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