"Kristy and Calum."(20)

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Kristy's P.O.V
Continued from last chapter---
The whole ride home, ashton was looking out the window and not talking to me or anyone else.

Ellie was cuddled up into calum's chest shaking a little as they whispered back and forth to eachother. She had his shirt wrapped around her calf as his hand stroked her thigh

All of us other than Ashton were in a group chat because everyone else were confused on why he was mad so I explained it all.

The text messages:

Luke- so he claimed he was your boyfriend so this andrew dude would leave you alone?

Hailey- love, that's so cute

Luke- mmhmm

Me- yeah luke, he did that. I hit him after. I was so fucking pissed

Mikey- that's funny

Ellie- omg x.x

Cam- no its not mikey

Mikey- that's what you want to think

Cal- shut up

Mikey- ❤❤❤

Me- you guys are ridiculous

Ellie- you wanna know who else is ridiculous

Me- who?

Ellie- ashton for you ;D

Me- stfu

End of texts-
It was the next day and I did my normal.

I put on black skinny jeans, a white crop top, and a red flannel with light make up and black converse.

I got my bag, grabbed a protine bar. I ripped it open and opened the front door about to walk out until I heard my mums voice.

"Hunny. Can you go wake up your brother? He hasn't woken up yet." She said and I frouned but then changed my frown to a fake smile as I turned around

"Yes mummy." I said and walked upstairs, putting my protine bar on the counter

I walked up the stairs and into Luke's room.

I opened his curtains, turned on his lights, and threw my bag on him.

He groaned once my bag made contact with his chest.

"Wake up!" I shouted and he pushed my bag onto the floor then put the covers over his head

"Fuck off nerd." He groaned and I walked over to his bed, grabbing his sheets, and ripping them off his body.

"Get dressed, ill see you at school." I said and he groaned

I grabbed my bag and walked out his room then down the stairs

"So I'm guessing he's awake." My mum laughed and I nodded, giving her a kiss, then walking out the house and to school
I was in cooking class with Hailey and calum. And other kids... That inculed Kaitlyn

I was sitting next to hailey and calum, sadly, was next to Kaitlyn In the front.

He looked super annoyed and started trying to scoot to the end of the table but our cooking teacher, Mrs. Punda, kept telling him to sit back in the middle next to Kaitlyn.

"Ok so today all of you will be put with partners I choose and you will be making pie." She said cheerfully just earning groans and boos from the class

"You will get to eat it." She rolled her eyes and everyone cheered

"Ok so... Hailey and josh, Kaitlyn and max, Hanna and Ryan-" I zoned out for a couple minutes until I heard my name.

"Kristy and Calum-" Mrs. Punda said and calum turned around and highfived me
"Hey gurl." He said walking to me and I laughed

"Can you not?" I said and he rolled his eyes as we got all the ingredients and tools used to bake the pie
Cal and I were sitting at my desk waiting for the pie to be done baking until we smelt smoke

I gave him a confused look and got up, opening the oven slowly, as everyone turned and looked at me

I fully opened the oven, pushing myself back onto the ground, away from the giant flame burst out from the oven.

"Shit!" Calum shouted running to me and helping me up

"Language Mr.Hood!" Mrs. Punda shouted at calum, grabbing the fire extinguisher and taking out the flame head on

She put on oven mitts as she grabbed our deformed pie out the oven and placing it on the oven top.

She turned around after throwing her oven mitts off and put her hand on her hips.

"Zero. Both of you." She said and i went pale

"No! No Mrs. Pumda you can't! I'm a straight A student! Please! Let me- us make it up!" I begged and she sighed giving me pityful look

"I'll figure something out but of now zeros." She said pointing at us then walking back to her desk

I turned around to look at Hailey and she was already standing a foot behind me with her arms out so I can hug her

She knew how much my grade bent to me. Call me a nerd, I don't care

I ran to her and hugged her

"Can I cry? I want to cry. Actually no. I'm a big girl. Wait what? I'm really short. This makes no sense. How can I be a big girl if I'm short. Why does life make no sense?!" I rambled on

"Calm down. You'll be ok. She is thibkng of a way you can get your grade up. Calm. Down. It's ok Kris." She said and I nodded turning to calum as she walked away

I narrowed my eyes at him and he held his hands up as if he was surrendering

"You. Mother fucking calum hood. Caused me. To get my fucking grade down!" I shouted earning a look from Mrs. Punda hut I didn't care

I balled my hand into a little fist and punched his chest

"Hey no hitting!" He said and I rolled my eyes "all I did was heat it up!" He continued and I punched him again

"I already heated it up! You technically heated it to 680 because it was just suppose to be heated to 340!" I shouted about to punch him one more time until he grabbed both my hands

"Sorry! I didn't know! Please don't hit me." He whined again and I broke my hand out of his grip giving him one last punch

Oh calum. Oh calum

Hope you liked iiiitttttttt

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