I saw a red glow come from me. I looked down, seeing a heart arise from my chest, in front of me was the floating heart. I looked back at Flowey.

"Us monsters, instead of fighting, we send LV" Its smile became less convincing.

"What is LV?" I asked, cocking my head to the side a little to the side.

"Why LOVE of course! Here, lemme give you some!" He winked and grinned, "They're shared by little white...." He paused, "Friendliness pellets!"

While the pellets came towards my soul, I then realized.

        This was a bad idea...

The little pellets hit my soul, a sharp pain grew from my chest where my heart is and all over my body. Flowey laughed an evil laugh and his face grew distorted,

"You IDIOT!!" He laughed more, his grin growing larger, "It's either KILL or BE KILLED!!!!"

     More of the white pellets headed towards me and I prepared for death. By a flower. Just then, I felt perfect. My soul disappeared and a... Fireball? Had hit Flowey.

"ARRRGGHHH!" I heard him yell as I squinted my eyes.

"What an evil being, torturing such a poor innocent youth.." A woman's voice was heard.

I opened my eyes hesitantly to see a lady- no..A cow-ish like woman! She had beautiful short white hair that covered her whole body, she wore a purple long dress that went to her ankles that had white long sleeves, her ears were long and came down to her shoulders, she had paws with claws on her feet and hands but they were sort of like human hands,she had tiny horns right next to her ears, she stood like a human with really good posture and reminded me of a grandmother or mother. She smiled sweetly at me and walked towards me, she had a smile I could trust. Not like Flowey's at all.

"I am Toriel, caretaker of The Ruins." Toriel introduced herself.

    I stood up and walked over to her side and smiled,

"Thank you.." I replied with a half smile.

    "You are welcome" She took my hand and lead me through the dark.

After a while, we made it to a pair of doors. She opened them and we walked in.


    "Toriel! Please, I don't want to fight you!" I cried out.

    "If you wish to leave.. you will have have to show you are worthy." She pulled me into a battle, having my soul show up again,

"Let the battle begin..." Toriel said through gritted teeth.

    I never fought back, and her attacks started to dodge me after a while, like she didn't want to hurt me at all. I half smiled her and she smiled back, tears streaming down her face.

"You have proven yourself worthy... I will miss you, child." She kneeled down and hugged me tightly.

    "I will miss you too.. Tori.." I laughed a little, tearing up a bit myself,

"I promise I will free all the monsters from the underground world and bring peace to both worlds... Then we can be like a family!"

    "I know you will help us.." She stood back up after letting go of me.

Toriel walked down the long hallway. Halfway down, she stopped. For a moment, I swear I could hear her whisper,

"Please watch out for Asgore, don't die on me.." Then she kept walking.

    I nodded and turned to the large stone doors that would lead to the rest of the monster world. I took in a shaky breath, lightly putting my hand on the door. I pushed it open. Shivering at the sudden temperature change, I walked out. Seeing a dirt road, hundreds of trees on both sides of it. Somehow, it was snowing and it covered a bit of the road and trees. It was beautiful, I never would have thought, that this could happen underground. I walked a bit further and heard a little bit of rustling in the bush next to me. I could feel anxiety run up my spine. I peeked into the bush and gasped. I saw a camera, zooming in a little onto my face. I immediately ran and stopped when I was out of eyeshot. I kept walking, still feeling a bit paranoid. I walked around a tree branch that must have had fallen onto the road. A few steps away from the branch I heard a large CRACK!!

    I quickly turned around to see nothing, but the thick branch broken into two pieces. I turned back the direction I was going and kept walking more paranoid than ever. I stopped at a bridge after a while of walking and I heard a voice behind me,

"Don't you know how to greet a new friend?" A deep voice that was both soothing and nerve wracking at the same time.

    I gulped and tensed up.

    "Turn around and shake my hand.." The voice had said.

    I slowly turned around and saw only his silhouette. I looked down at his hand, and shook it. It was cold, and.. literally boney! I looked back up at him and noticed he was a short skeleton, wearing a blue jacket and basketball shorts. His deep dark eye sockets with little white 'lights' or pupils , was all too nightmare inducing. I froze and I saw him smile... somehow..

    "Hi. Im Sans. Sans the skeleton."

(Word count: 1398)

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