Chapter 6

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Jasmine's P.O.V

The next time i opened my eyes, all i could see was white. My thoughts 'No! You've got to fricken kidding me! I can't be dead! ' but after i looked around i realized i was in a hospital room. I tried sitting up, only to feel a searing pain in my stomach, looking down i saw my abdomen covered in a tan colored wrap.

Neji: " Be careful. Your wound hasn't fully healed yet. "

I moved myself to a sitting position: " I noticed.....How long have i been here? "

Neji: " Only a couple of days. You would have been awake earlier, but they gave you pain meds to help you sleep. "

He moved his hand over lacing his fingers with mine. I looked up to him to see him smiling. He was actually smiling.

A little later a nurse came into the room to check on me. She read my clipboard and scribbled a few things.

Nurse: " Well as long as your careful, you can leave today. " I nodded to her. " And since this young man has signed you out, you will be staying with him. "

: " I would like to get changed then. "

Neji kissed my head and gave a slight bow to the nurse before leaving the room. The nurse helped me get dressed and  walk to the door. Once i was past the door Neji was at my side, his arm around my waist.

Nurse: " I shall leave her in your care now. "

She nodded to us and walked down the hall. I was about to ask Neji something, but he swung me up into his arms.

: " Hey! I can still walk, i'm not that injured. "

Neji: " You seemed to be having a lot of trouble with it. Plus i'd rather you let me carry you instead. "

I sighed, but smiled: " Fine. "

Neji carried me to the Huyga mansion, letting me down only after we made it to his room. We hadn't been in there long before Hinata came in and told us it was time for supper. Neji helped me down the stairs and to the table.

We had all just finished eating, when Neji stood up saying he had an announcement.

Neji: " You all have know for some time, what i am about to do. " He walked around the table ( since he was sitting across from me ) and kneeled down next to me. " Jasmine, i love you and you know i am not one to speak his feeling out loud. Will you.." He took out a small dark red box and opened it to reveal a light pink diamond ring. " marry me? "

I didn't even wait to respond: " Yes! "

Neji stood and slipped the ring on my finger. The rest of his family or now our family clapped as he brought me in for a passionate kiss. When we broke apart we both knew our lives wouldn't be easy, but that wouldn't stop us from loving each other or living our lives the best we could.

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