chapter 4

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Jamsime's P.O.V

Shane held my hand until we entered the gate to his house or more like mansion.

Shane: " Mother!! "

He ran up the few steps into the arms of his mother. The scene made me smile.

Shane's mom: " Thank you leaf ninja. Thank you so much for bringing my boy home safe. "

Neji: " It wasn't any trouble. "

Shane let go of his mom and ran over to me, tackling me in a hug. Tears were rolling down his face.

Shane: " I don't want you to go. "

I knelt down to his level and wiped away his tears: " I'm sorry, but i have my own mother and friends to get back to. Make sure you stay out of trouble, ok? "

Shane sniffled: " Ok.. " Then he turned to Neji. " You better make sure she gets home safe. "

Neji nodded: " I wouldn't let it happen any other way. "

What? Does he actually care?

We left Shane's home close to half day and walked until it was close to dark.

Neji: " I think they are back to finish what they started. "

: " Really, i think their back to get their butts kicked again. "

Neji slid into his stance and i put my hands on my hips and yelled " If you don't come out within the next 5 seconds i'm gonna kill you all! "

Neji: " Would you now? "

I turned to Neji with a rather sadistic smile: " You have much to learn about me. TIMES UP! "

I started throwing kunis into the brush. Many connecting with their intended targets instantly killing them. The rest that weren't already dead came out running. In a very sad attempt to kill us. I jumped into the middle of a group of them using Taijustu. Neji was defending himself from the barrage of weapons being thrown at him with his Rotation.

I kept an eye on Neji. It seemed as though more and more of them were targeting him. He couldn't defend himself against all of their attacks for long and i was right. I saw a spear ( seriously who uses a spear) heading towards Neji from his blind spot. It would be a fatal hit if it connected.

What do i do? The only thing that comes to mind at the moment. Save the person i cared most about even if i deny it all the time.

I kicked my leg out, spun around doing a fire sweep giving me space to jump for Neji. My hands made it to his back, pushing him out of the way and putting myself in the path of harm.

Neji's P.O.V

I was pushed to the ground and i heard a piercing scream. I quickly realized the scream belonged to Jasmine when i jumped up and saw her pinned to a tree by a spear that was lodged in her shoulder. She was holding back tears and she tried to pull the spear out to free herself.

I took a step towards her but she screamed at me " No Neji! Turn around and fight! They're not gonna stop attacking just so you can get me out of this mess! "

She was right. They had already launched another volley of kuni and shiriken, but i couldn't let Jasmine stay there. She would definitely get hit by some of the flying weapons.

: " Rotation! "

I stayed in front of her, protecting her from anything that came close, while sending back some of my own attacks. I had just finished off the last one with an Air Palm, when i heard 'LET ME GO!! TEME!! '

We were near a cliff and there on the edge stood a rather tall, muscled man holding Jasmine by her neck. The spear lay on the ground by the tree a steady blood trail leading right up to the still flowing wound on Jasmine's shoulder.

The man spoke with confidence: " If you want her to be able to walk away from this alive you shall do as i say. "

Jasmine: " No! Don't.. "

He slapped her across the face, Jasmine turned her head towards the man and spit blood on his face. He wiped the blood off thden gave a punch to her stomach. Blood lurched out of her mouth as she fell to her knees. Rage boiled inside me. How could i let the man do such things to her? Why does my chest feel like it's been beaten?

: " I'm listening. "

The man: " Give me the Byackugon and she'll walk away from this. "

Jasmine's head snapped up, her eyes looked straight into mine. I felt as if she was reading my mind. She slowly smiled and nodded her head. Why would she do that?

Jasmine very quietly: " I won't let that happen. "

She suddenly jumped up, stabbing a kuni into his chest pushing them over the edge of the cliff. My heart literally stopped as i jumped to the edge to see Jasmine disappear into the raging water far below.

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