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I really do love Harry's long hair but for this fanfic he needs to be all clean cut, because this is how I imagine his character

Harry's POV

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask Isabella as she comes out of the room. My clothes look too big on her small frame, the sleeves of my sweatshirt hand loosely around her arms, making my clothes look ridiculously big and her ridiculously adorable. The fact that she has washed her makeup adds up to her adorableness, her chubby cheeks look so squeezable, she looks like a baby.

"I do." She smiles and sits down next to me.

I take the remote and aimlessly scroll through the channels without realizing what I am doing. Movie. Right. She is distracting me.

"Okay, choose a movie." I mumble.

"Which genre?" She hugs her legs to her chest.

"I don't know. Which genre do you like?" I ask and her eyes light up. She sits up, pulling her in an Indian style. Her legs are distracting.

"I love melodramas and action movies the most but I watch every movie. Like I am a movieman, really. I like watching movies so much." I don't know why she is talking about that with passion. It's just a movie.

"Okay," I half ask and chuckle. I turn the wifi on and the list of movies comes up. I choose the action and melodramas section.

"Your TV is connected to WIFI?" She asks.

"Yes." I feel uneasy know that she has asked that. I don't like boasting about the expensive shit I own, expect for my car of course.

"Wait, wait!" She squeals and I snap my head toward her. "Go up!" I push the button up repeatedly. "Stop!" She grips my shoulder. "Is that Tom Hardy?" I narrow my eyes to get a better look at the guy on the cover.


"Oh my God! Is this his new movie?" I look through the release date.

"It says 2012." I say and she pouts.

"2012? How have I not seen it?" Her frown is so adorable.

"Do you want to watch it?" She nods. I turn the movie on.

"What was it called?" She asks, taking her phone from the coffetable.

"This means war." She writes its name into her notes and locks it, setting the device down.

"So you like Tom Hardy?" I ask her and she grins from ear to ear. I guess it's not about the love for movies or for a certain actor that makes her excited. She just loves when people ask her personal questions.

"Yeah, he is so hot." She groans and I feel uncomfortable. Of course I'm not jealous of an actor, I just don't know how to react.

We watch the movie mostly in silence, sometimes Isabella makes sassy comments which makes me laugh hard until my stomach hurts. Watching a movie with her is so much fun. I don't remember the last time I laughed this hard.

Towards the end of the movie Isabella leans on my shoulder and yawns, closing her mouth with her hand. Her eyes widen as she looks at the screen and I look away from her, realizing that I've stared at her too much today. My eyes move to the screen and they widen as I notice the characters having sex. I grab the remote quickly and skip that part.

"Why did you do that?" Isabella whines.

"What?" Did she really want to watch that? Does she not realise how awkward that would be?

"I wanted to watch that." She doesn't.

"I'm not watching it with you." I won't be able to stop my dick from hardening.

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