" Not until I get my hug " He said and pull me in his warm embrace.

I hug him back while inhaling his nice scent. The warmness of his body and his nice scent calms me. It feels so right to be with him in this silent and comfortable surrounding.

" Goodnight jagiya " He said while combing my hair with his fingers.

" Goodnight oppa " I said and unconciously sleep on his embrace.

Jimin's P.O.V

I looked at her face and saw her already sleep. I laughed silently and lifted her up in bridal style. I walked in her bedroom and put her on her bed and cover her body with the cover.

I kiss her forehead while caressing her head lightly. I walked out from her room and closed the door.

I enter the extra room and see no space for me to sleep. Those sleepyheads sleep all over the bed.

" Guess I have to sleep on the couch " I sighed deeply and walked to the couch to sleep.


(Back to Lenny's P.O.V)

I let out a small yawn and look at my table clock beside me.

" 6.30 a.m? I never woke up this early " I sighed and stood up to take a warm shower.

Done showering, I wear a simple loose white shirt and a shorts before walking out.

" Nothing to do on this early time. Let's just watch tv " I said and walk to the hang out area.

I turn on the tv and was about to sit on the couch but stop when I saw Jimin sleeping soundly.

Why does he sleep here?

I shrugged my thought and lifted his head slowly not wanting to wake him up. I sit silently and put his head on my lap.

He's sleeping peacefully while snoring lightly. I ran my finger through his hair and smile.

He looks adorable when sleeping *smile*

I look at some random shows which makes me yawn in bored. There's nothing to do.

Suddenly, Jimin tossed around which makes me startled in shock. It's not like I am shy but his movements just broke the silentness.

" Jimin, are you awake? " I shook him lightly.

I caressed his hair lightly and smile. His hair was so soft. Suddenly, I saw a smile crept up on his face and his eyes fluttered open.

" Good morning. Awake already? " I greeted him with a smile.

" Good morning jagiya " He smile and looked at me lovingly.

" Go take a shower " I said but he shrugged.

" It's still early. What time? " He let out a small yawn.

" It's 7.30 " I said and he nodded.

" I'll take a shower at 8, okay? " He smile closing his eyes back with his face facing my tummy.

" Arasso. Are you going to sleep back? " I asked him.

He nodded and trying to take a short nap. I smile and continue caressing his hair.

It's good if he loves me honestly. But he do this just for his dumb bet. It's not so honest.

I don't know why but I feel sad and angry in the same time. I can't fall in love with him. I have to stick on my plan.

Because I Love You (BTS Jimin) || BOOK 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя