"Do you really think you can just holler a quick thanks and be on your way?" I heard the voice before I caught sight of him, but his voice startled me enough.

I jumped and screamed, picking my clothes up off the ground and trying to cover as much as I could. Sean, now coming into focus, looked startled too. He jumped back and desperately tried to cover his eyes.

"Jesus, are you naked?" he asked. I doubt he saw much under the moonlight, but the fact that he thought I was naked embarrassed me even more.

"What the hell is your problem! I thought you left!" I was so startled and embarrassed I almost had no comprehension of how loud I was being.

"Not that I'm complaining, but do you normally surf naked?" Sean asked again, looking like a blind man. He walked slowly with his hands out in front of him and his eyes tightly shut.

"I'm not naked," I said, finally getting clothed again. "I'm in my underwear because I don't have my bathing suit with me."

"You didn't think about grabbing one while we were at your house? Wait, did you say just your underwear?" His eyes opened now as he looked me up and down. His smile fell a bit at the reveal of my fully-clothed body.

"So you'd look at me in my underwear just fine, but not me naked?" I questioned, surprised by how quickly he opened his eyes. I couldn't hide the scowl on my face, even in the dim light.

"Well, it's just like a bathing suit, right? I mean really, what's the difference. I'd love to see you in a bathing suit," he said with his playful, crooked grin he always wears when he's getting under my skin.

"Gross," I scowled. "Now can you leave so I can surf in peace?"

"No," Sean shook his head, making himself comfortable on the sand. "Not a chance. Especially now that I know you're going in your underwear."

"You're disgusting," I snapped, folding my arms tightly across my chest. Now he was really making me mad.

"Not like that," he said with a chuckle. "No matter how much I wish I could see you in your underwear, Brooke, I don't want to until you want me to. I'm thinking about other people who happen to walk upon the beach during this magical, moonlit night and come across a half-naked girl surfing. Maybe it'd be a group of guys. Do you know what those guys could do?" His words weighed heavily in the air as I thought about his example.

I think his story is unlikely, considering I come to this beach on the daily, but the prospect that he would think about my safety like that was intriguing. My heart began to beat quicker as I envisioned guys approaching us on the beach and Sean standing between me and them. My vision became more detailed as Sean jumped into full-blown fight mode, attacking the individuals all because of me. I didn't know if I liked the vision, but my insides warmed at the concept of being protected by someone.

"Fine," I breathed, succumbing to the fear of this vision coming true and also knowing with Sean's stubbornness, he'll stay either way. "Turn away until I get out on the water. I suppose you can't see much at a distance." I said before stripping to my underwear once again.

Sean kept his eyes shut as I sprinted out to the ocean's edge. The tickle of the water against my toes was exhilarating as I launched into a full-blown paddle.

The water felt so freeing and it got my mind off everything going on. Although Sean was just feet away from me on the shore, we felt like worlds apart. My mind was on my surfboard.

I saw a decent wave coming and decided to chance it. I almost would have taken advantage of a small wave at this point. I just wanted to ride. To my excitement, the wave was a lot better than I was expecting. I was gaining speed, playing the board against the wave, and flipping it around. I was having fun. It wasn't about my technique, it wasn't about my agility or endurance. I was just riding the wave, maybe throwing in a trick or two, but nothing technical.

When the wave died down and I rode the board to the shoreline, my heartbeat fast with adrenaline and excitement. That's what I needed tonight. That's what I need at surfing practice, too. I need to feel this same love for the sport again. I need to have fun.

I heard clapping in the distance, which brought me back to reality. Sean was here. Amy was not. Amy likes Sean, but Sean allegedly thinks I'm attractive. I was on a date with John tonight and left him. How was he feeling about that? Did he even enjoy himself with me tonight? Did I enjoy myself?

All of my problems came crashing down on me as Sean approached me with a smile.

"Nice job, Brooke. You're really good," he said, keeping his eyes shut as I asked. The surprise in his voice was minorly insulting, but I let it go.

"Thanks," I mumbled, snatching my clothes from the ground and slipping them over my wet underwear. "You can open your eyes now."

"Thank god," Sean sighed and opened his eyes. They were piercing golden honey and felt like they were drilling deep into my soul. It was hypnotizing. His gaze captivated me and I couldn't look away. His flawless skin shown glossy in the moonlight and his lips...

Stop! my subconscious sneered.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and looked away, knowing darn well that my cheeks were flaring and I was thankful again for the lack of light. What was wrong with me? I needed to be away from him to think clearly.

"I think I'm ready to go home now," I said, picking up my board and not waiting for a response.

We got back in the truck, but as Sean started up the car, he stared at the dash in deep thought. To think that it had only been this morning that I barely knew the guy and now I was sitting in a truck with him going into the wee hours of the morning. Not that I entirely wanted to, but he wasn't bad company either.

"How long have you been surfing?" he asked.

The question caught my off guard. That was not in the realm of where I thought this conversation would go.

"Since I was little," I said.

He nodded his head, stared out the windshield blankly for a moment, then shook his head with a chuckle before putting the truck in reverse and pulling out.

I made Sean park in the cul-de-sac again as to not wake my parents up with his truck. We were both getting visibly tired and I still needed to sneak back into my own house.

"Thank you," I said. I think for the first time tonight, I genuinely meant it. "Maybe you're not quite as bad as I thought you were."

"Does that mean I've earned your approval?" he questioned.

"Hell no," I laughed. "It means I'll consider the possibility that you can be a decent person when you want to be."

He laughed too. I stood in the doorway of his truck for a moment, thinking about all the drama that unfolded today and all the random revolutions that were thrown my way. Yes, Sean didn't seem like the heinous human being I originally thought. He has manners, knows how to joke around, and knows how to have a good time. He's also considerate, caring, and protective when he wants to be. However nice he is, it still doesn't hide the fact that he's a player. He still can't be trusted.

"Sean," I said and then hesitated. I'm not sure exactly what I wanted to say or how I was going to say it. I was treading in muddy waters, so I needed to make sure I wasn't going to get dragged under.

His eyes perked up, giving his full attention to me.

"If Amy's not the one, you need to tell her," each word was slow and careful while leaving my mouth. Amy has to be my first priority. She has been there for me through everything and I need to stick up for her.

Sean's eyes softened and his lip curled into a smirk. He looked down at the ground with a chuckle and then back up at me.

"Okay," he said.

I half-smiled, unconfident that my words would have any effect on him, but hopeful at his response. I felt better saying it out loud. I felt like I did my duty as Amy's best friend. Then I shut the door and ran back home.

The Surfer's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now