Chapter 10

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"I'll see you tomorrow Erin!" (Y/n) waved as she walked down the sidewalk as Erin hopped on his bus waving back at her. (Y/n) put in her earbuds and began to play "Build God, Then We'll Talk" on her Mp3. She had been assigned an essay in English, she needed to finish her third party's report in Global Studies, and she had a double paged worksheet in Algebra. (Y/n) knew she could get most of it done that night but she just wanted to relax. 

She walked past the park and stared at her hidden trail's entrance. The incident didn't seem very scary now that it was blurry and in her memories... 'it couldn't hurt to take one more look' (Y/n) thought curiously. She edged towards the park entrance hesitantly and took a chance. She walked into the park and straight for the familiar path. As she reached it she walked along the path towards the clearing she stopped and stood there in thought. 

'It was terrifying while it happened... am I really going to let curiosity get to me?' She took a step back, the second thought causing her to be conflicted. 

"No, you know what?! No. Fuck that. Ain't no fucking clown gonna come and beat my weak ass. Nope, fuck this shit." (Y/n) said. This was the biggest nope she's ever had and she's not ready to take a chance with what could happen if she didn't nope out. (Y/n) walks away down the path, out of the forest, leaving the park, and back to her own home. Although she knows it was a good choice there was still that little voice in the back of her head reminding her "What if?".  She get these thoughts a lot and they always seem to bug her. 

'Now is not the time to let my mind take me elsewhere. I have school work to do.'


2:00 Am 

"Oh my gods..." (Y/n) sighed in relief. "Done. Finally. Done." She shoved the school work she had been procrastinating about for hours off of her bed and onto the ground not really caring what happened to it. It was done and that's all that mattered. 

She leaned down and lied there on the bed letting sleep take her over and darkness fill her mind. 


Her eyelids peaked open to a dark night. She was walking through the forest half asleep. Her eyes stayed half open and her consciousness could only half understand what was going on. Yet she felt at peace so she continued her journey, not much like she had a choice. She reached the all too familiar clearing, but this time it was a carnival from the start. The tents were lit and the paths were bright, yet held a dark looming aura of evil while looking welcoming.

She took stumbled steps into the carnival, she had no . It felt like a dream to (Y/n) though with every cold step into the soft grass of the ground. Her legs carried her while her mind just stood and watched. She then stopped as if waiting for something to permit her to walk forward.

"My sweet. I see you've arrived." Said a raspy pleased voice from somewhere unknown in the maze that is the carnival. The voice made a chill crawl up (Y/n)'s spine though she couldn't show it for her sleepwalk type state prevented her from doing so.

"Come forward darling..." The voice said. A smirk almost to apparent in his voice. Her legs began to move once again against her will. On the inside she began to panic, yet her body was out of her control and couldn't help her. It was like a sleep paralysis but in real life. (Y/n) desperately tried to think of a way out but to no avail. In her panicking she didn't notice that a Ferris wheel was where she was walking to. In the booth lowest to the ground sat the gruesome clown with a wicked grin.

"We meet again my sweet."

Sour Sweet (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now