Chapter 9

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Beep. Beep. Beep. 

(Y/n)'s alarm clock went off with loud deafening beeps. She groaned into her pillow as she reached an arm out of her blankets and slammed the snooze button down with her fist. She gave a heavy sigh. 

"Dammit..." She mumbled under her breath. She groaned more as she forced herself out of bed. (Y/n) felt her hair with one hand lazily. 'And my hair is greasy as hell... I need a shower' (Y/n) thought walking out of her room and down the hallway to the bathroom. 


After taking a shower (Y/n) walked out of the bathroom to her room to get dressed. She picked out a black shirt that was lacy around the bottom and a pair of blue jean shorts along with her converse. She slipped her sweatshirt over her outfit and proceeded to walk down the stairs of her home into the messy kitchen. (Y/n) walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk and some cereal out of a cupboard. She made breakfast and left for school after slinging her backpack over her shoulder. (Y/n)'s mornings are usually this uneventful.  

After making it to school about ten minutes before school would start she sat down at a chair in the lunchroom of her high school as most kids would do before school starts. Her table was usually empty and she liked it that way, less people bugging her, though she did get some weird stares here and there but it didn't seem to bother (Y/n) much. 

"Hey loser." She heard a male voice say behind her. She didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Erin, the closest she could get to a friend. He, like her, was a misfit of sorts. Erin had moved to (Y/n)'s town about two years beforehand. He was a nerd of sorts when it came to most subjects of movies and books and would even dress up as the characters from time to time. This wasn't very common in your neighborhood and it earned him no one really wanting to get very close with him. 

How they both became friends was a memory (Y/) could not easily remember. It was a blurry memory and it seemed she could never really pin point as to why. She shrugged at it, Erin told her that most best friends cant remember those things. 

Erin sat down at the seat next to (Y/n) at the table wearing some shades and a white shirt with red sleeves, he seemed to have dyed his hair blonde once again, which was different from his normal brown hair. 

"What's up my bromosapien." He asked with a smile. 

"What's up with the outfit and shades dude?" (Y/n) asked checking out his outfit. 

"Cosplay geez get with the program." He poked her forehead. (Y/n) playfully punched his shoulder.

"Well not everyone is a nerd like you ya know." She told him with a small smile. He chuckled and pulled his back pack onto his lap. He unzipped it and pulled out a math folder. 

"Hey do you have that homework assignment we had due in Algebra?" He asked her flipping through the pages in his folder. (Y/n)'s eyes opened widely. 

"We had a assignment in Algebra?!" She shouted alarmed, though with the noise of the cafeteria it didn't sound very loud. He giggled at her. 

"Nope, gotcha." He said with more giggles. He was a big prankster and this compared to some of his other work was a weak attempt but it always worked. The bell rung just then and they both stood up walking towards their first class, Language arts with their teacher Mrs. Winsten.  In their opinion she was to up tight and a bit of  bitch. Erin would often mimic what she did behind her back with a snooty expression to get a laugh out of (Y/n).


The next two periods passed without much happening, they didn't have though's two classes together. After their third period passed Erin went to find (Y/n) so they could go to lunch.

Erin walked through the hallway looking for (Y/n). He had passed her locker and was a bit confused as to why he hadn't found her yet. His question had been answered when he spotted her. She was basically cornered by two girls, it didn't look like something was going down but it was obvious to Erin that (Y/n) was uncomfortable. He stood there for a few moments but only decided to intervene when he saw one of them point at her scars, that were visible through her translucent black sleeves, and giggle.  

Erin quickly walked over and pushed through between the two girls, grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and pulled her away towards the lunch room. She let him pull her towards the lunchroom and into a line with a blank expression. 

"...thanks." (Y/n) said softly looking at the ground letting her (H/c) hair fall in front of her face. Erin sighed. 

"You can't let them make fun of you like that. It's not right, you can't let those sluttards be like that to you, and if you wont tell 'em off then I will." Erin told her with a tone of seriousness and a stoic stare. 

"Yeah I know I just-" She trailed off avoiding eye contact with Erin. "I just can't." Erin sighed, they were nearing the front of the lunch line now. 

"Are you doing anything after school?" Erin asked.

"Not really, I was thinking of heading home..." 

"How about we go to that secret meadow of yours and hang out. I've got some snacks in my backpack and a cards against humanity deck." Erin suggested. At the very mention of the meadow sent a shiver down (Y/n)'s spine.

"You know what, I- I actually forgot my dad needs me to do some stuff around the house and I have a lot of school work to get caught up on. I promise we can hang out another day." 

"N-no it's fine." 

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