Chapter 7

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I ran and ran and ran. My eyes were too full of tears to notice the worried and questioning looks that people in the park gave me. I wasn't focused on them, in fact I couldn't care less what they thought. A crazy, insane, and terrifying clown had almost kidnapped me and I just wanted to be in my room safe and alone. I neared the house and jumped up the cement stairs. I fumbled with the door handle but managed to twist it and slam the door handle open in my hurry to get to my room. My father whom had been asleep on the couch shot with a snort awake and looked to the spot from which the sound came but only saw a door that was wide open because I had bolted up the stairs before he saw me. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut and jumped into my bed shaking. 

'I just escaped from a psycho killer clown!" The thought kept running through my mind. "I'm crazy... I've gone insane... this can't be happening!" I told myself trying to make sense of what was happening. "Then how did-" I touched the scars on my left shoulder. "No no no. Music is what I need. That'll help clear my mind and-" I felt my pockets. My MP3 player wasn't there. My eyes grew wide as I stumbled off my bed and searched my pockets again and again hoping that it would appear in my pocket and I just overlooked it.

 A minute passed and I fell onto my bed with a groan. "This day could not get any worse. I guess I dropped it while running through the forest..." I groaned again. I was to exhausted to continue to think of any of it. I hugged my pillow and welcomed sleep. 


'(Y/n)... I knew there was something familiar about her. But why, why her? What is so damn special about that girl. Why can't I kill her?!' I thought frustrated. "And I let her go.. for what reason? What's holding me back from taring her limb from limb?!" I told myself. 

I walked in circles around the carnival thinking of reasons why. Questions filled my head in frustration closing my eyes trying to think things through but became more confused in the process. I walked over to the swings and sat in the swing (Y/n) had sat on. The sky grew darker and the air became cooler I looked down at the dirt and saw that (Y/n)'s shoe print that was still somewhat imprinted in the sand under the swings and noticed a thin black device with (f/c) ear buds in the dirt not far from where I sat. I bent over from the swing and picked it up. I recognized it as the girls device, how else would something like this end up in my carnival? Without a second thought I teleported to (Y/n)'s room at the end of her bed. I stood still for a minute to be sure she was asleep. After I was sure she wouldn't wake I walked to the side of her bed and set the small device on the night stand next to her bed.(Y/n) made a noise and rolled over in her sleep facing me. I stood there blank faced watching her for a moment then I kneeled down to her level. I brushed some hair away from her face and gave a soft smile; she looked so peaceful. 

"(Y/n), you've changed... like him. But... you remember me." I told her sleeping form. 'And I'm not letting you leave me... not like Isaac did...' I thought to myself. (Y/n) began to stir in her sleep, but I was gone before she could open her eyes. 


I noticed myself waking up, drifting into conciseness by the sound of a voice. The words weren't very clear because I was still half asleep. 

"But... you remember me." Said a quiet voice. I peeked my eyes open as my eyes adjusted to the dark, my room was empty. Nothing there that could have said anything.

"Ugh... now I'm imagining things..." I groaned shoving my face in a pillow trying to fall back to sleep.

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