Chapter 2

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That next night Jack visited little (Y/n)'s house as she was sound asleep, along with her father. Jack, as he did to most of the parents, gave her father glimpses of Jack's little monochrome carnival and the dead children that it held. The tune of 'pop goes the weasel' haunting him every second of that dream.

It gave Jack joy to watch the frightened man wake up from the twisted dream scared and in a cold sweat. Jack laughed to himself as he watched the man struggle to fall back to sleep.

Jack then switched his attention to (Y/n) as she slept quietly in her bed. Jack looked into her dreams and saw nothing specific except laughter from her and... himself? 'She's dreaming of... me?' Jack thought confused. He comprehended the idea of her thinking jack as a friend and he felt happy yet sickened at the same time.

Jack shook his head and poofed into (Y/n)'s room. He stood quietly in a corner of her bedroom and thought to himself. He then growled at his conflicted emotions waking little (Y/n).

She slowly opened her (e/c) eyes and yawned. She looked around the room and spotted Jack standing there. Him just realizing he woke her.

"J-jackie, whats are you doing here?" He said sleepily rubbing one eye with her hand. Jacks frown then grew to a big insane smile. Jack laughed a insane laugh and slowly crept over to (Y/n)'s bed, his laughter scaring her.

"Hehehe, just here to play a little game, kiddo~" Jack said as he reached the side over her bed.

"J-jackie... y-your scaring me..." She whimpered pulling the covers over half of her face only keeping her eyes visible.

"Oh~ There's no reason for you to be scared of old jackie~..." He said with a giggle. He then put a hand to the top of the covers and quickly pulled them down grabbing her around the neck with his other hand. He forcefully held her to the wall only holding her there by her neck. She whimpered again being choked. She then tried to scream but jack quickly squeezed tighter on her neck making her gasp for air.

"Ah ah ah~, "Jack said waving one finger eyes wide with a big smile, "wouldn't want daddy waking up now do we~?" Jack snickered. He then loosened his grip on her neck. As he did so even with the warning (Y/n) screamed as loud as she could manage. Jack heard rustling in the next room and quick footsteps. 

"Oh now look what you've done." Jack growled still smiling. The door to (Y/n)'s room opened quickly and in came her father holding a small knife. Jack let go of (Y/n) and let her fall to the floor. (Y/n) started crying silently and Jack slowly turned to her father. 

"Who are you?!" He demanded. Jack chuckled. 

"A not-so-imaginary friend~" He responded stepping to the sided so her father could have a look at his crying daughter.

"You son of a bitch!" Her father yelled and ran toward the clown, knife held out to attack him. Jack carelessly poofed out of the way as he ran into the wall. The book shelf above falling and dropping a heavy jar of coins onto his head. Knocking him out and breaking the jar coins rolling everywhere.

"Your more trouble than our worth." Jack growled no longer smiling. He walked over to (Y/n)'s crying form and picked her up by the shoulders, claws digging deep into her skin drawing blood.

He could have crushed her just then, he could have murdered her viciously without a care then and there... but he couldn't bring himself to hurt her. Seeing her cry out in pain even like she was gave him a guilty feeling. He growled at himself and his sudden change in emotions and dropped (Y/n) onto her bed, allowing (Y/n) to quickly crawl to the farthest part of the bed from jack and grab the blanket covering herself hoping the blanket would save her from the monster.

Jack stared at the shaking form of (Y/n) under her blanket for a moment and felt a flicker of guilt and pain, but they came as quick as they had gone and Jack poofed out of the room trying to find some place he could clear his mind and try and forget that any of that had ever happened.

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