I have officially become bored out of my mind. I mean I like being this close to Takashi. I hate not being able to do anything. "Takashi it's 4 o'clock are you going to practice today with the guys?" Honey asks standing up heading toward the door. Takashi slides me off his lap and follows after Honey. "Haruhi do you care to come with me?" I ask smiling at her. "Sure Rain." Haruhi says following me out of the room. "Let me guess you are bored out of your mind too?" I ask looking at Haruhi. "Yes I mean it's not your fault but it's boring just sitting in the house all day!" Haruhi states with a sigh. "That's why we are going outside!" I state grabbing her hand. "I don't think you are supposed to. I mean I don't think your father wants you out and about!" Haruhi panics. "Not like you have a choice now. We will just go watch the guys practice. I promise not to do anything." I say placing my hand on my heart. Haruhi sighs "Well at least it's not inside watching Japanese Dramas with your father and Tamaki.".
We step out of the house heading to the dojo. I hear the guys out back so we walk straight through the dojo. By no means was I prepared for what I saw! Takashi was leading the group of guys shirtless! I felt heat immediately rush to my face. I turned looking at Haruhi. Haruhi had a huge smile on her face as she started poking my cheeks.

I quickly regain control of myself. We sit down on the back deck of the dojo watching the guys practice. Soon enough they are paired up to spar. Honey and Takashi start walking around watching the guys intently. "Hey I'm gonna go check on the other host. I will be right back! Do not do anything stupid while I'm gone." Haruhi says as she stands up heading to the house. "Yes master I will be a good girl!" I say in a sarcastic tone. Haruhi just shakes her head and laughs at me. I sit there for a little longer before I get an idea. The guys are gonna be thirsty! I walk back into the dojo going to the fridge that holds the waters. I grab out as many a I can carry. I take them back to my seat as the guys are about to take a break. I quickly go to grab a few more. As I walk out the back of the dojo I see Takashi looking at me. I smile as I hand him a water bottle then passing the rest in my arms to the other guys. I sat back on the deck as Takashi leans against it next to me. "You are supposed to be inside resting." Takashi states simply. I make a face at him(picture). I don't think he was expecting it because he almost spit out his water as he started laughing. "It's more interesting out here!" I laugh. Takashi quickly got control of himself again. A smile spread across his face."Well just don't over do it ok?" He say ruffling my hair. "Dear Kami you sound like everyone else now!" I say rolling eyes. He just laughs heading back to Honey's side.

Haruhi soon returns with 4 bento boxes. I stand and help her with the boxes. "Your dad said it's your favorite." Haruhi says sitting down next to me. I open the box and my eyes sparkle instantly. Shrimp Tempura roll, hibachi fried rice, sautéed veggies and yum yum sauce. Haruhi laughs at my reaction as she starts to eat hers. "Ok your reaction was totally justified!" Haruhi says putting another piece in her mouth. Me and Haruhi sat there happily eating away. The guys finish up their work out. Takashi and Honey make their way to us. Takashi raises an eyebrow at what we are eating. I quickly grab a piece of the roll feeding it to him. He smiles as he finishes the bite. I give Honey a bite of my rice as his eyes light up. "We are gonna go shower real quick. We will come join you two when we are done." Honey exclaims. Takashi quickly steals another piece of roll as he follows Honey. "The bentos are in the kitchen with your names on them!" Haruhi yells out to the retreating pair.

"Ugh my rice doesn't taste like yours Ra-chan." Honey whined. I grab his box and chopsticks quickly mixing the yum yum sauce into his rice. "There you go Honey. It should taste like mine now." I smile handing back his box. Takashi hands me his box and chopsticks while looking away. I chuckle as I fix his as well. We all soon finish our boxes and are stuffed. "I have another food baby. Why must you do this to me Ra-chan?" Honey exclaims dramatically rubbing his stomach. "Hey don't blame me I didn't force you to eat it." I laugh. "Yea but you keep introducing me to great food!" Honey whines again with Takashi nodding his head agreeing. We all turn our heads as we hear foot steps coming our way. "Honey Mori you two gonna join the rest of us in the hot spring?" Father ask the two boys. "Yea sure we will!" Honey smiles as Taka nods. "Haruhi and I are gonna take the other hot spring room dad." I call out to him. "If you need us just call out ok?" Dad asks. "Dad I will have Haruhi in there with me. I will be fine!" I exclaim rolling my eyes.

Haruhi and I soak into the water relaxing from the long day. "Why can't I have cake in the hot spring?" We hear Honey cry out. We both laugh as I answer "Your icing will melt and the cake will be nasty soggy Honey!". "Ra-chan is that you?" The twins call out. "Yes but you better stay on your side!" Haruhi yells back. We both grab our towels ready to cover up at any second. "Mori-sempi we only want to help wash their hair." We hear the twins whine from the door. We shake our heads knowing Taka just saved us. "Thank you Takashi!" I yell out. "Haruhi my dear daughter do you need any help from daddy?" Tamaki yells out. "No me and Rain have everything covered. Please just let us relax!" Haruhi yelled out. We soon start to soak again in the water. "This is so relaxing. You should bring your dad over sometime Haruhi. I really need him to show me how to fix my hair so quick." I state laughing. "I'm on this side Rain honey! I will show you when you get out!" Ranka yells from the other side. "Dad why are you here?!" Haruhi demanded. "I brought you some clothes dear. Then the next thing I know I'm in a hot spring surrounded by gorgeous men!" Ranka squealed. Haruhi and I shook our heads at her crazy father.

As we are soaking I get a feeling of being watched. "Dad I think there are bats in the yard!" I exclaim! I quickly grabbed two towels from the side making sure I was still covered by my hair. "Syndicate boys fan out there are bats in the yard!" My father yelled for all to hear. I wrap Haruhi in a towel then myself. "What's going on Rain?" Haruhi asks bewildered. "Someone was watching us. We need to get in the house now!" I exclaim. We grab our robes putting them on as we headed out the door. The twins are at our sides in a instant serious looks on their faces. "Your dad explained to us. Let's get you two inside. The other host are helping look." They notified us. Soon enough we were in my room getting dressed. I put on a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt. Haruhi put on pajama pants and an oversized shirt. "We got him!" We heard the guys yelled out outside. Haruhi, the twins and I went to living room to wait for the others.

Father soon entered the room followed by Ritsu and the rest of the host. "Even at half strength you noticed someone before anyone else. We took care of the man. He is now headed to the jail. Well after we pried Takashi and Tamaki off of him." Father finished sitting down. "Oh Haruhi your father got called to work. He says you are in our care. He left shortly before the incident." Dad added quickly. Tamaki quickly sat really close to Haruhi. I think he was trying to be protective without showing it. Taka and Honey made their way toward me and my recliner. I scooted onto one of the chair arms as Honey took the other. Taka sat in the seat draping one of his arms over my legs. Honey was soon asleep in Taka's lap. I started running my fingers through Taka's hair without really thinking about it. I soon hear soft snoring next to me. I look over and both boys are sound asleep. I laugh a little to myself then look around the room. Everyone is starring at our little group. "What?" I ask a little lost to why they are starring. "They must really trust you. I mean Honey takes naps in the host room all the time. But Mori never really falls asleep around us." Tamaki states. "Well  we all had a long day. I mean they must be exhauste. They even trained the men." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well I think it is time for us all to head to bed. Rooms are prepared for all of you down the hall." Father says waving his hand headed for bed. I go to swing my legs off the chair but Taka quickly grabs them waking up. He looks at me questionable. "We are all heading to bed. There are rooms for you and Honey down the hall." I say pointing. He grabs Honey up stumbling a bit half asleep. I grab Taka by the shoulders. Guiding  them down the hall to an empty room. I put both of them in a bed. Taka grabs my wrist as I go to leave the room. "Please get some rest no training understood!" Taka says half asleep. "I give my word. I will not train tonight." I say with my other hand over my heart. I look back at Taka and he's asleep again. I slowly pull my wrist from his hand then head to my room. I look at my bed and there is Haruhi. "You know dad prepared a room for you right?" I ask Haruhi. "Yea between the twins rooms. So I'm cuddling with you this weekend." Haruhi laughed. "How could I refuse such a cute cuddle buddy?" I say in a baby voice. We both laughed as we climbed into bed.

I hear the door creak open a few second after we turn off the lights. I see the two trying to sneak in. I quickly grab the twins by their ears. "We just want to cuddle Ra-chan!" They exclaimed. I lead them back to their rooms "Goodnight boys!". I go back to my room locking the door. "Thank you." Haruhi says half asleep. I climb back into bed but after hours of tossing and turning. I still can't sleep! An evil idea crosses my mind. I quickly leave my heading into 2 other rooms. Within minutes I have finished. I can't wait till the morning! I quickly fall asleep ready for the morning.

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