[7] - From This Moment

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Jeremy had been holding back his laughter but he finally let it out, chortling out loud, “Oh my God, you are really fucking cute. I should have done this earlier.”

“Ugh, shut up,” Rory blushed, sinking into his seat and crossing his arms like a petulant child which only made Jeremy laugh harder.

“I used to go with my sisters too but that was eons ago. I won’t be surprised if they still go there at their ages. It was their idea by the way,” Jeremy said with a roll of his eyes, “only wish I’d thought of it sooner so can get this reaction out of you.”


“Hot fudge indeed.”

Their laughter filled the car.


“Jeremy stop it,” Rory hissed in embarrassment as Jeremy leaned down to plant another sloppy kiss on his lips. Rory was blushing furiously, eyelids fluttering and barely swallowing his moan as Jeremy licked sensually into his mouth, thrusting that delicious hot tongue in and out until Rory was growling and pulling away, smacking Jeremy’s arm, his cheeks flushed and eyes bright, “Jeremy!” he scolded, the exclamation coming out breathless.

Jeremy grinned so hard his cheeks hurt, tightening the arm he currently had around Rory’s waist, “yes, milord?”

“We’re in a line in public. Please keep your lips and hands to yourself.”

“You’re such a tease, you know?”

Rory pretended to wink sultrily at him, “No I’m not. I’ve never even heard of such a word.”

Jeremy laughed and pulled Rory in front of him so that Rory’s back was pressed against his chest. He leaned down to nuzzle his face into Rory’s bleached blonde hair, inhaling the fruity scent of his shampoo, arms wrapping low around his hips to hold him close.

Rory sighed dreamily and leaned back into the embrace, his hands lifting up to hold onto Jeremy’s biceps. The line to Oblivion finally moved forward and Rory felt his heart pick up speed when they were suddenly piling into the cart.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” he said over and over again, his heart racing with a mixture of nervousness, excitement and dread.

“I feel you,” Jeremy grinned and they pulled down the seat protection, securing it tightly to their bodies.

In a minute, the cart was steadily moving and everyone on it was chattering excitedly.

“We’re going to the middle of the earth you know,” Jeremy whispered.

“Shut up,” Rory gasped back, clutching at the protective bars, heart pounding hard against his chest.

“Some people don’t return,” Jeremy taunted in a haunting voice.

“Some rides don’t return.”

“Oh my God I will smack you where it hurts!”

That sent more than one person on the cart laughing until they reached the edge of a very high drop. The cart toppled over and then froze for a second, giving Rory the view of the dark smoky hole they were going to drop into. It was enough for his heart to feel like it stopped beating for a second – and then the cart dropped.

Rory screamed so loud he was sure he went deaf in one ear and almost as fast as the ride had begun, it was suddenly over with Rory laughing like an idiot, feeling light headed.

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