We're having... WHAT!?

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Josie's POV

"Nathan! Put me down!" I screeched. Nathan laughing his head off. We were on the edge by the pond and Nathan was threatening to throw me in the pond.

"No!" He shouted. He threw me in but since he's an idiot. He forgot to let go so we both fell in.

I climbed out and Nathan followed

"You're an idiot" I told him. He pouted, I leaned in a pecked his lips

"But your my idiot" I smirked. He raised his hands up to his face and squinted his eyes.

If you guessed he's going to do his fly impression then you're right!

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I laughed and hit him in the back of his head. He stopped and started laughing. Pain shot through my legs.

"Nath! I need my crutches" I complained. A worried expression on his face

"Ok let's go buy you some crutches" Nathan said.

"I can hold myself up but not for very long" I told him. He nodded. He held me up as I used the two suitcases for support. We walked to the nearest store that sells crutches. We went inside

"How may I help you?" The lady asked. She had red hair and bright green eyes, really tall and thin with glasses that makes her look really smart.

"I broke my ankle and my leg and I forgot my crutches so I need new ones" I explained. She gasped and ran off. I turned to Nathan and shared the same confusion. The lady ran back with a wheelchair.

"Sit. You shouldn't be standing if you broke your ankle and leg" she commanded. I did as told and sat on the wheelchair.

"Ok, we have some crutches over here" she pointed over to an aisle. Nathan pushed the wheelchair over to the section where she pointed.

"We have some plain ones and we have some pink ones to add a bit of girly look to it. And we have some green ones with frogs on them" she smiled and pointed to each one of them

"Is the frog one for kids?" I asked. Yes, I know. But I like the green one with the frogs on them

"No, their for teens" she said. Well I am a teen. 19 good enough for me

"I'll take them" I smiled brightly. Nathan snickered behind me as she took the crutches off the hook. She handed them to me. Nathan and the lady helped me up and made sure I was stable to the crutches. She adjusted the size and smiled once she was done

"There we go" she looked at us both. 'She looks so happy here'. I thought

I pulled out my credit card from my back pocket and handed it to her. She smiled and swiped it. She handed it back to me. I put it back into my back pocket. We thanked her and exited the store

"Green with frogs?" Nathan asked laughing. I glared at him. Nathan pulled the suitcases to the train station. We waited for about ten minutes then the train arrived. We stood up and entered the train. We took a seat. I placed my crutches on the floor.

We talked for a bit then I drifted off to sleep since Nathan woke me up screaming that there was a fire. Wonder what happened to the flat... We just ran off...

Maiken's POV

"Congratulations! You're having twins!" The doctor smiled. My whole world stopped. Wait. What!?

"TWINS?!" Jay and I asked in unison. The doctor nodded. Jay turned to me.

"WE'RE HAVING TWINS!" he shouted excitedly. I laughed. No wonder my bump was bigger than Josie's.

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