Mettaton X Female!Reader

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Now the sexy robot! You guys are requesting more smut than I can dish out! But don't fret! I will make it all simply... beautiful!
No robot dick, well, I wasn't sure how to write it... maybe another if enough people want a part two.


You read the text sent to you once more, 'Darling, you must be on my show! Please! The crowd would adore you!' You sighed, this is the 100th time he had asked.

Mettaton was a close friend of yours for a good few years now, honestly he isn't too bad. He has been wanting you to partake in being on his cooking show but you just didn't think it would work out. You were a fan of his and you, well, had a crush on him. Sure, he mostly was in his rectangle form most of the time but his EX form was.... gorgeous, if not handsome.

To be honest the main reason you said no was because of how many of his fangirls and fanboys he has, they would kill you. Or at least threaten you. Humans are cruel at times if not scary... but should it really bother you? I mean, you have other friends to protect you. Undyne especially would.

You sighed and decided on the answer, 'Fine, I will, but only so you will stop asking.' You then stood up from oyour couch, smiling a bit. Lucky for you, you could literally walk to the studio as it wasn't far. Your phone went off, you picked it up to read, 'Okay, please, make your way here now! We must pick out an outfit for you!' You blushed slightly, you already beginning to regret this decision.

Once you got to the studio you made your way straight to Mettaton's room. Luckily the guard knew you very well, he stepped aside and let you in, you thanking him and smiling before going in. Mettaton was in his EX form suprising, listening to some songs he had sung from other artists, probably some originals as well. He turned and looked back at you, smiling wide. "There you are, gorgeous!" He then went over and hugged you tightly.

You blushed and hugged him back slightly. "Nice to see you, too, Mettaton." You couldn't help but smile, sure, he was full of himself but he is pretty sweet at times. He then pulled away and motioned you over to a closet within the room, it was a literal walk in closet. You looked at all the outfits and shoes inside. Man... there was a bunch.

"Pick out and try on some outfits, darling!~" He chuckled, "I wish to see you in them as well, if you don't mind~" He was close to your ear at that last line, blush coming back but darker. You only nodded before you heard his heels move back into the original room. You let out a soft sigh and went through the many clothes and shoes. Most of the shoes were heels or flats. Heels were a no-no as you couldn't walk in them and didn't want to break something...

Now dresses... that would be harder to decide on. There were enough clothes to match a rainbow, actually they made a literal rainbow around the room. But a good chunk was pink. Hm... perhaps you could wear pink? That would make Mettaton happy, right? He does love pink, alot. You went through the different dresses, some showed way too much while others did very little. Man, he does have a lot of dresses... though the occasional masculine outfit.

You found a simple dress, well, somewhat simple. It had a giant black bow that covered the back but it was cute! You pulled it out and smiled, this would definitely work. It had no straps and it definitely would fit your size and bust.

You quickly changed into it, smiling as you looked in the mirror, the flats you chose were a slightly darker pink than the dress but it was definitely cute on you!

You quickly ran over to the door, "Mettaton, I picked out an outfit!" You called out to him.

"Ah! Then let me see, darling!" He called back, excitement in his voice.

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