"Who, Scott? Sc-Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone." He trailed off.

"What about Aubrey?"

"Uh she's home too, yea, she uh also needed to get a good nights sleep. Like brother like sister." Stiles chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Scott, Aubrey, you out there?" I  bit my lip, not uttering a word.

"Scott? Aubrey?". The sheriff paused for a minute

"Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy." I heard their footsteps get distant. 

Once we heard all the police leave, Scott and I walked out from behind the tree. "Do you know where we came from?" I asked, glancing around the woods. Scott shook his head. "No clue."


We've been walking through the woods to what seemed like forever. How big can a woods be?   "So do you think they ever found the body." I asked Scott as he used his inhaler.

"I doubt it, I mean the woods is huge, how are you going to fin-". Scott stopped   in his tracks, glancing around.  "Scott, what is it." I moved closer to him, trying to find what spooked him.

There was a faint sound of running. The sound got louder as  a heard of deer jumped out from the nearby trees.  I screamed, loosing my footing and falling to the ground. . I covered my head as the deer jumped over me. . As the sound of hooves dispersed. I  carefully lifted my head.

"Bree, my inhaler." Scott said as he pulled  out his phone, shining the light on the ground.  "The deer knocked it out of my hand." I took out my phone, pointing it at the ground. 

"Scott I don't think it-" My flashlight skimmed over something maroon. At first, it looked like Scott's inhaler, but when I flashed my light back over it,   I screamed at the sight in front of me. Backing away,  My foot slipped and before I knew it, I was tumbling down a hill.  As I tumbled down the hill, a sharp pain erupted into my hip. I grabbed ahold of it as my body came to a stop.

"Aubrey, are you okay, what happened?" Scott ran down the hill, helping me up off the ground.  "I saw-" I took a deep breathe as I stood up, still clutching onto my hip.  "The other half of the body." Scott stood  up, looking at me wide-eyed.

"Are you serious." I rolled my eyes. "Yes i'm serious, do you think I would purposely scream and fall down a  hill?" I scoffed, walking in the opposite direction from the body.

"What did it look like?" I rolled my eyes even though I knew Scott couldn't see that. "Half of a body." He sighed, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Come on lets get home, we'll find your inhaler tomorrow." Scott sighed.  "Alright"

We walked through the woods, still having absolutely no clue when we were going.. Suddenly, A loud howl echoed  throughout the woods, stopping me. "Scott, what was that?" I turned around  to see Scott staring in  front of me.  I heard growling from behind me as I gulped. I turned around slowly, seeing the an enormous creature not that far from me.

It looked like a huge wolf with glowing red eyes. It's  red eyes pierced through me and I felt like I was frozen in place. "Aubrey look out!" Scott pushed me out of the way as the creature  ran towards us. As I landed on the ground, I saw the creature on top of Scott.

"Scott!" I quickly got off the ground, sprinting towards Scott. The beast takes off running as I knelt  down next to Scott. "Scott, are you ok?!" He nodding, using my shoulder to  stand up as he  held   his side. "I'm fine, just run." I start running, following Scott.

Aubrey //S.S.// ➸ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now