Santa wish (part 3)

Start from the beginning

He smiles and hands off the presents and takes the ones you had and goes with them to set them by the tree, then comes back and takes off his coat and helps you with yours.

"Thank you" you smile and he just smiles and winks back "let's go see what's going on," he says and walks with you to the kitchen with his hand on your back gently. His mom and sister sees the two of you and smile instantly and walk over and hug you both.

"Hi sweetie, it's been too long since we seen you last" his mom smiles hugging you

"Yeah I know, but that's not all my fault your son keeps me as busy as him most days" you smile and hug his sister next.

"Hey, you love it" he jokes

"I do, but I deserve a raise" you smile

"Yah, you will soon" he smirks getting a look from his mom with a light smack on his head "ow! Watch the hair, " he said

You smile and shake your head "do you guys want any help with dinner?" You ask

"Yes, you and Zak can set the table" his mom says and her and his sister go back into the kitchen to get dinner ready as the two of you set up the table.

"Ok ,who sits where?" You ask holding the place cards

He looks at them and tells you and his nephew grabs yours and Zak's and puts them next to each other. You smile "what I don't get to sit next to you cutie?" You joke

"Not this time Uncle Zak with kick my booty if I do that!" He says

You smile "no he wouldn't I, wouldn't let him" you reassure him and he runs off and joins his sister by the tree and you follow him as Zak follows you and sits next to you on the couch. He relaxes and puts his arm behind your shoulders and sips his drink. You take out your phone and take a few pictures of the tree and the other Christmas decorations.

"Take some of us" he says

"Ok" you say and move a little closer to him and hold it up and smile and take one.

He moves his arm down and wraps it around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Ok a few more" he smiles and he leans over at the last second and kisses your cheek softly, making you blush bad and he smiles "what is it too warm in here for you?" He teases

"No, I'm fine" you say and his niece and nephew come and sit by you and him.

"Ok our turn!" They say and you smile and take some pictures with them and kissed his nephew's cheek and in the picture Zak looked mad but it was only joking around.

"Ok kids go wash up and come sit down as for you two come on in and have a seat" their mom calls out to them.

You get up and hold your hand out for him and he takes it and gets up with you and walks into the dining room and sits next to you. The kids came down and took their places and the food comes out.

"Ok, so since we have someone new here this Christmas Eve each year we go around the table and say what we're most thankful and blessed for" his mom explains and takes her seat and everyone takes their turn just leaving you and Zak left. He went first.

"This past year I'm thankful for still having a job and the many projects that have come with along with the great people in my life I wouldn't trade for anything, I look forward for what's to come next year it's gonna be amazing" he smiles and looks over at you and you're smiling and blushing slightly.

"Well for starters I want to thank you all for welcoming me into your mom this Christmas Eve opening your home and traditions, for letting me be apart of all of this I'm very thankful for your kindness and generosity, I'm also thankful for my amazing friends I have thanks to Zak and him being my friend I wouldn't trade him for anything I'm so incredibly lucky to know you and your family, even when I didn't get the chance to go see my family this year he opens his and I'm grateful and blessed to know him" you say and he takes hold of your hand and hugs you gently but tight at the same time as his mom smiles and wipes a tear away "ok let's eat" she says and Zak lets go and laces your hand in his and makes his plate and helps with yours.

Zak Bagans imagines and short stories #TheWattysWhere stories live. Discover now