Chapter 23 - Titanium

Start from the beginning

Let's swear this love will never be left aside
That this magic will be forever in our minds»
You promised, I remember you said
So I decided to save my tears for when you are away

Your eyes are locked with mine
Our hearts are intertwined
My tears were saved for now, they were saved for now

I was about to cry because that was a song I had written right after León left and it reminded me of all the pain we both felt as soon as we got the news. That horrible afternoon. Although, I contained myself as the crowd cheered.

I went down to the girls and they comforted me as León was coming.

- You know I love that song. - He said, hugging me tight.

- Me too. - I sighed as we parted.

- Let's walk around?

- Yes, Pablo gave us a free day because of this event. - I explained while we were walking out.

In our way, Pablo, Beto and Angie came to greet León. After that, we left out to the park. To that park.


The soft breeze was calming me a lot. Just getting a news like that is not easy, especially after previously receiving an excellent one, and that's worth a lot of thinking and sadness. I hated to be suddenly struck by reality like that, it is so heavy the weight of pain. Probably, I was making a big deal of that, at least that is what I think of that now, but then it seemed like the end of the world. Teenagers.

He was already away, flying off of here. By then, he was probably looking out through the window, listening to music and not even paying attention to it, thinking, perhaps, about me, who knows, with tears in his eyes. This was all based in speculation, but, as long as I could see, it could be very close to the truth.

Looking at the peace mirrored in the water, I could only see flashbacks before my eyes. That holding hands, that disarming look, that last hug, so calm, so effortless, natural, and that cheek kiss he gave me. That was our last touch and nothing more. After that, he just got in that black car and someone drove him away. Away from here. Away from me. Why is it so hard to accept things like that, like the distance from someone we truly care about? Funny how we can't always have what we need and want have the most and still wish for that in every single second of our miserable lives.

I shook my head and walked home because it was almost getting dark and I surely didn't want to be out of home so late. My dad was inside his office when I got there, so I decided to go upstairs, practising some songs.

- Hello, honey. - My dad greeted, knocking on my door.

- Hi! I thought you were busy, so I didn't want to bother. - I said, putting aside the piano.

- It's okay. So... how are you? - He asked me, sitting by my side.

I knew what he was talking about. I was trying to join the several parts of my feelings puzzle, but I couldn't. I kept opening my mouth to talk about it, however I just couldn't. It was like my song said: «There are too many memories to bare», and I can't go ahead and talk about it without shedding a tear. Cry is something I didn't really wanna do in front of my dad.

Therefore, I kept my mouth shut and let him take the lead.

- I know this is hard, but it is not the end. - He calmly said.

- I know this is not the end of the world, I can see that super clear, but you know what? My heart just can't accept that. I can't accept he's gone. I can't accept that León is gone and I can't be with him. Yes, today was awesome, but my happiness just lasted for six hours. Six damn hours. I need a whole life to get back the two months he'll be in the US. I know that this is not normal, that I'm acting in a very stupid way, but this is how I feel right now. So, please, just let the feeling sink in.

That was it. I could not keep it in anymore. He wanted me to speak and talk about it? There he goes.

- I understand, honey. I've been through that. - He continued replying in his usual soft tone.

- What do you mean by «I've been through that»? - I asked, confused. What dramatic love story could my father be hiding from me?

He took a hard breath, as if he was trying to gather the right words to say.

- Your mother and I grew up together. She was just a year younger than me, so we got on pretty fast. We started as best friends, but then things happened and we started dating and, eventually, married. Although, this wasn't a perfect fairy tale, not because she died, but also because, in the middle of the process, things got rough. She went away with her parents. They escaped. At first I didn't know why and I got hurt, but after a while I received a letter from her. Well, it took me a year to know what had happened. In that small piece of paper she said these words: «I'm cloistered in Britain with my parents, for the moment. They do not approve our relationship, so I have to respect their will.» I had to wait two years to see her again. We kept exchanging mail until her parents found out about it and got angry, but, as they read what we had written, they realised that they could not separate us, by any mean. Our love was strong as titanium, nothing could break it. A month later they came back and we married soon after. What I am trying to say is... don't lose faith. The time will come for your love meet accomplish. It's okay to be in pain and afraid, but believe your love will be stronger than that. True love can resist everything, trust me.

I had no reaction to that. My parents' story was a lot like León's and mine, so incredibly similar. I said «Thanks, dad.» and he walked out, leaving me speechless. First, I didn't know they been through a lot like that, second, my father just had encouraged me to not give up on what León and I had.

After dinner, as I was dressing up my pajamas and getting myself into bed, I kept repeating my dad's words in my mind. «Our love was strong as titanium, nothing could break it.» That is how I wanted our love to be. Strong as titanium. I wanted it to last forever until death tore us apart, like with my parents, sadly.


I woke up with a buzzing noise, actually irritating, and realised it was a call. I turned on the nightstand light and checked it was 2pm. Who would be calling at a time like that?

- Hello?

- It's me, princess.

I smiled. León probably had arrived and called me to inform me about that.

- Hi there.

- Hi. I wanted you to know I just landed, but I'm sorry it is so late! Sorry I woke you up. - He explains, under my smile.

- León, it's okay. Actually, I wanted to hear your voice.

There was a moment of silence. I could feel him smiling from the other side.

- Well, me too. - He confessed. - But, now, have some rest. Sleep well, princess. I'll call you tomorrow.

- Ok, thank you. I'll be waiting. Bye.

- Bye.

Then he hang up the phone and I sighed. I really wished I could have had the courage to say "I love you", instead of just "Bye". We were lovers in distance, that was the only reason by which we were tore apart. I was looking forward the day he would stare into my eyes, stroke my cheek and whisper "Do you want to be my girlfriend?". Although, it seemed like that special day was still far away and with long way to walk.

I turned off the light, wondering about that incredibly marvelous day, the day we could prove our love was strong as titanium. Could I please dream of it and make it jump off to reality?

Ooooohhh, titanium... León showed up to make a surprise and Vilu found out about her parents' love story and it seemed like it looked a lot like hers and León.

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