Chapter 2 - Unexpected

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Hey, cupcakes! This is the second chap! Hope you like it!

Hi mommy,

 This is the second time I am writing to you today. As you can see, I will keep my promise.

 I want to write you something I have never shared with anyone. Today, I got hit by a boy. Not any boy. He was very handsome and seemed like a nice person, but I didn't talk much with him and I don't even know his name. I guess I never thought about the possibility of falling in love, I mean, dad always protected me and never let me go, so I can't tell what love is.

 What is love? When do you know it's love? How do you know if the other person loves you too?

So many questions I have that I wish you could answer them. I wish so bad that you were here with me.

I finish writing and look at a picture of me as a baby with my mother. I smile at the photo and try to hold back my tears.

 Don't cry, Violetta. You're now in Buenos Aires so try to be happy here. - I think to myself.

 I look once more around my room and fall asleep.


 It's my first morning in Buenos Aires. The sun is shining and the sky is fully blue, no clouds. I have a shower and get dressed. I was used to choose winter clothes, but I am in the other hemisphere, it's summer. I make my bed and go downstairs for breakfast.

- Morning, dad. - I greet, as he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

- Morning, sweetie.

- Dad, can I go for a walk? - I ask, after taking a sip of milk.

- Alone? - He gets serious.

- Yeah. Let me go around, please! You promised you would let have more freedom. - I make puppy eyes.

He thinks a bit and then says:

- Ok, ok. But be careful! - He advises.

After having breakfast and a lot of boring but loving advices, I finally get out of home and start to walk around.

It's about 10 am. There aren't lots of people on the street, it's friday, people are working. Yeah, we are in the beginning of September, no more vacations for most of the population of Buenos Aires. I see a street signal that says: B.A. Park. Is it even possible that I am a few blocks away from the park? I rush towards the direction of the signal's arrow and, after two minutes, I see the park.

It's enormous. Lots of trees, bushes and there is a large pond. I can say it's very greeny. Is that a word? There is also a pavement that runs through the entire area and a big number of brown and very classy benches. I sit on one, underneath a tree which flowers are red. The blood colored petals gently fall as the soft breeze leads them to the ground.

My descriptive daydream ends with a dog running and barking in my direction. I love dogs. They are definitely man's best mate. He jumps to the bench by my side and I start to play with him. I suddenly sight a boy rushing towards us. As he comes near, I realise it's the same guy I had seen at the airport the day before.

I stop playing and start to get nervous, as I always do with boys around.

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