Chapter Seven

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I watched them from Zayn's window in the living room. I heard them talking, and I sighed heavily. I want Perrie to be by herself for once. Shes never alone! I moved closer to the window to hear them talking.

"I Just talked to Justin, He'll be here in thirty minutes. They just landed." I heard Zayn say. I looked up, to see him walking in the living room. I heard some mumbling, before someone spoke.

"Are we meeting them here?" The girl asked softly. I saw their lips move, but it was hard to hear what they were staying. I moved closer and closer until I could hear perfectly. I smiled in delight.

"Yep." Zayn answered, just as Louis and another girl walked in. A few minutes later, I heard knocks on the door then people appeared in the living room. A girl that looked like Ciara smiled slightly, and saw her lips move but I couldn't hear her that well.


We all walked out of the door to the bus and got on.

"Nice bus." I complimented Zayn. 

"Thanks." he mumbled, walking away with Perrie by his side. I started walking towards him but Justin stopped me.

"He can't know your Ciara. " He mumbled in my ear, I nodded sadly and pushed him away. I quickly walked down the hall and into my room. I shut the door tightly, and I slid down to the floor tears in my eyes. I cried silently.

knock, knock Rang in my ears. I looked up at the door, not wanting to open it. I wonder who knocked. They knocked again, and I took a deep breath.

"Who's there?" I asked barely audible.

"Perrie!" the other side chirped. I nodded, but then realized she couldn't see me. I shook my head at my stupidity.

"come in." I said, walking away from the door and wiping my last remaining tears.

"Were you crying? whats wrong?" she asked me, those questions kept ringing in my ears.

Were you crying? Yes, I was crying I wanted to say.
Whats wrong? I gotta lie to my own damn brother, his girlfriend and his best mates. Because Scooter! I'm secretly dead, and i'm Ciara your old best-friend and your boyfriends sister. But nope, I'm perfectly, fucking peachy.                  

"Nothings wrong." I lied forcing a smile on my face.

"oh..ok." she murmured, I nodded my head slightly. 

"so did you need anything?" I asked.

"uhm... no, just wanted to ask if you wanted to hangout?" 

"uhm, I don't know. gotta check my schedule." I mumbled.

"Ok, well.. i'll.. uh... be out there." she stammered over her words. I nodded, and soon she was off. I let the tears that I held back, escape. Tears were streaming down my face, I sat there and sobbed silently.


        I finally got up from the floor, fixing my hair whilst doing so. I put on my fake smile, and opened the door walking out.

"Hey, Care to join a friendly game of truth and dare?" Justin chimed in, standing up from the floor as I walked in.

"Sure." I quietly agreed to play. I looked around for an empty space, and there was only one. Between Justin and Louis. I smiled,  and sat down between them as I looked around the group. I can't believed I said yes to playing the game, and I'm sitting next to Louis.

"truth or dare.. Perrie!" Hanna chimed in.

"Truth." She smiled.

"is it true your in love with Zayn?" Hanna asked her.

"Yes I am." Perrie smiled, lovingly up at Zayn. 

-20 minutes in the game-

        "Truth or dare Alex." Asked Harry.

"uhm Dare." I muttered, sounding unsure. I saw a smirk form on his face, I eyed him my smile turning into a half frown.

"let's get this party started! I dare you too.... Kiss someone in this room who you think is the cutest - other than your boyfriend - for more than ten seconds." He smirked.

"do they have to be single?" I asked, smirking at Louis. He smirked back at me.

"Taken or Single." Harry Clarified. I nodded, and looked over at Louis. I looked at Hanna, and my smirk grew. Louis nodded, telling me I could because I asked for permission with my smirk. I leaned over and kissed him roughly and passionately. Loving every second of his lips on mine. I felt safe, secure, at home having him kiss and have his arms around me. I've never loved someone like this, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his hands go down to my hips gripping them lightly and pulling them closer.

        After about a minute, we both broke the kiss smirking at each other. I sat down in my original spot, and leaned on Justin's shoulder. Oh god, hopefully he doesn't notice how I kiss. I kiss the same way I did before, and we kissed A lot. I felt someone watching me, and looked over at  Hanna. She was sending death glares my way. 

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I sneered, glaring at Hanna.

"dammnn." Justin and Louis chuckled. She scoffed, looking away rather quickly. She looked back at me, and said the thing that made my blood boil the most. 


Team Lanna, or Team Liara?
Team Jiara or Team Jelena? 
Team Jayne, or team Jiall?
Pick witch three teams you like better! The 'Jayne' team was random. lol.

ALSO, Who do you think should find out Alex's secret identity? :) Comment please! 

Justine x

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