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Much to my dismay Jason has dragged me out my dorm, taking me to the Activity's Center, he had said something along the lines of, 'Stop being a hermit crab and come with me to get free food.'

Of course being the nice friend I am, I agreed. Also because I son't ever know how to say no. Plus, I hadn't ate all day and I was convincing myself that this was a perfect opportunity to eat.

"So how was your day?" Jason asks me, opening the door for me as we walk through the building lobby.

"Same old.." I shrug, looking at me feet.

Jason knew what type of person I was. He knew I was closed off and that I didn't mind being alone. I suppose I was semi-open to him, I had met him freshmen year of college, he was loud and outspoken - unlike me. He was in my advance math class, one day he sat next to me and as they say, the rest is history.

And you'd think me being his friend would be hard but it actually isn't. His outspokenness made up for my lack of a voice, we were practically yin and yang.

"Oh, did I tell you I cracked my phone?" I sourly chuckle, taking my phone out my back pocket. Jason lets out a laugh, taking my phone in his hand.

"Damn, that sucks. Where'd you drop it?" He asks, handing it back just as we enter the Activity Center, other young adults fill the room.

Some were sitting on the couches, others playing ping pong and air hockey, and some standing around being social and whatnot.

"I bumped into someone in the staircase and it fell." I answer, following behind Jason as we make our way to the food table. Chicken wings, fries, burgers, pizza. Everything was laid out so deliciously. I'm now thankful I came with Jason.

"Damn, was it their fault?" He asks mindlessly stacking food on his plate, I follow his actions.

"Well... I wasn't really looking so it was probably both of ours. The guy even said he'd pay to fix it." I chuckle, shaking my head. I grab a Coke can and follow Jason as we sit at a table near the stereo, some bland pop song playing through.

"He did? That's good." Jason says nodding his head at me.

"Yeah but I had said no." I shrug, picking up a fry and biting it.

"And why did you do that?" Jason raises a brow at me.

I shrug, looking away from him then turning back to him.

"Because it would've been a hassle and I can't deal with anything that'll fuck up my current schedule." I say with a slight chuckle, watching as Jason shakes his head at me, he finishes his bite of pizza before speaking.

"Your schedule? Also known as reading, sleeping and pissing?" He says with a raised eyebrow, he knew me too well.

"Yeah, basically." I agree with him, biting into a chicken wing. Ignoring the truth of his words.


An hour later, I still sat at the table, Jason had gone and played a game of air hockey - he thinks he's the best just because he's Canadian.

Nonetheless I sat alone and bored at the table, my phone in my hand. My thumb scrolling over my ebook selection, none of them worth rereading.

"Excuse me," A voice says breaking my concentration. I lift my head up to the person, furrowing my brows at the three strangers standing before me.

"Yeah?" I mumble a response.

"Are you using this table?" The guy says, I look behind him and see a girl and the same boy that bumped into me earlier.

"No, no go ahead." I say standing up quickly, I didn't mind leaving anyways.

"You sure?" The guy asks, he had soft brown hair, a full beard on his face, he seemed nice.

I nod, locking my phone screen in my hand.

"Yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out." I say ready to walk away.

He nods smiling at me. "Thanks." I nod back at him, and then make contact with the girl and Niall - if I remember correctly.

"No problem." With that I walk out the Activity's Center and towards my dorm, I didn't even bother seeing what Jason was doing, he was probably preoccupied with easy college girls or food, most likely the latter.

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