Chapter Two, Meeting The Team

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  • Dedicated to Brooke

[Evangelina Gilbert’s POV]

          When we walk into the conference room there are six people looking at me, a spunky looking blond in bright colours, a dark haired women in a lavender tee-shirt and dark jeans, a professional looking blonde wearing an outfit similar to mine, a black man in a blue tee-shirt and jeans, Gideon and a tall, lanky man wearing a sweater vest with longish wavy hair.  “Everyone this is Evangelina Gilbert, you’re all going to be nice because I had to pull some serious strings to get her here” Hotch said with authority. “Please” I say timidly “call me Evan.

          The colorful blonde said “Mhhmm she’s from Canada, surrey, B.C. if I’m not mistaken” I look at her wondering how she knew that. “Oh, honey, the first thing I do when they tell us we’re getting a new member is weasel somebody and look them up. The muscular black man said jokingly “Don’t mess with Baby Girl or she’ll do horrible things to your credit ratings”

          The professional looking blonde was the first to approach me. She shook my hand, smiled warmly and said “Welcome to the BAU. I’m Jennifer Jereau, the team’s media liaison but everybody calls me JJ. I smiled back and thanked her.

          Next was the dark haired woman, she smiled slightly and told me “Nice to have another girl on the team, Evan. Oh, by the way I’m Emily Prentiss but people around here call me Prentiss. I smiled and told her it was a pleasure to meet her.

          The spunky looking blonde skipped over and hugged me “Hello Hun, Welcome to the family. I’m Penelope Garcia, the teams guide into the wonderful world of the world wide web.” Her huge smile was infectious and I couldn’t help but grin back at her. Gideon piped up and added “She’s our spot of perpetual happiness, and our beloved Technical Analyst”. Garcia laughed “oh, you’re to kind to me sugar!”  

          Next the black man walked over, shook my hand and said “Derek Morgan, but you my fine darling can call me Morgan.” I nodded, smiled and laughed “It would be my pleasure Mr. Morgan” Morgan looked around in mock confusion “When did my dad get here?” He laughed then looked at Gideon “You’ve already met Gideon right?” I nodded and he pointed at the tall man with the long hair “this is our resident genius, Spencer Reid, Reid for short” 

          The other man walked over offered a small wave and said “H-h-I, Statistically speaking” before Morgan cit him off “Save it, pretty boy, we don’t need you scaring the new girl off on her first day” Reid walked away, looking a little like a kicked puppy.

          “Morgan” Hotch said sternly “That was out of line and uncalled for.” Morgan rolled his eyes and walked out into the bullpen.

          I was a little shocked by Morgan’s act of hostility in this, otherwise, friendly, open team so I walked over to Reid and said “You know, he was out of line right?”

          Reid nodded, and it was clear that he was upset and didn’t really want me hanging around so I went to go find Morgan.

          “You know, Reid’s upset,” I stated simply. 

“Aww, the kid know I’m just joking”

          “Does he? And there you go with the names again, Pretty Boy, Kid, what’s with that?”

          “Well he is a kid, really, I mean he’s only 24”

          I flinched, I was only 22, but Morgan was too wrapped up in himself to notice. “So? It still hurts him the same” I walk to the conference room and over to Reid. He presses his lip together in a thin line and says “Go get Morgan; we’ve got a case, a bad one too.

          I nod and walk back to where Morgan is and sat coolly “There’s a new case” and then take a seat at the round table in the center of the conference room. 

Aww, I'm sorry Reid fans, for Morgan's behavior, don't worry tho, Evan's not finnished chewing him out!!

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