Chapter 2

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When they got back from breakfast, everything seemed to be tense. Not just between Yoongi and Jungkook but between all of them. Jungkook guessed it was because of him and Yoongi. What else would it be? Hoseok couldn't even brighten Yoongi's mood at the restaurant.

Jungkook felt terrible and didn't know what to do. It was a constant ache in his heart. When he saw Yoongi it was a deep sinking feeling. It felt almost as if he had weight chained to his feet and he was fighting to breathe as he was dragged deeper and deeper into the water. The more he saw how hurt Yoongi was the more he felt like he inhaling water instead of air. 

This feeling was horrible and he wished Yoongi would talk to him. Jimin saw that look on Jungkook's face and hugged him. "It'll be okay. You'll both be okay, it'll just need some time before it fixes itself." Jimin said.

They all got ready to go to the studio to practice. When they got there they all sat around for a bit before practice started. During that time, Yoongi was on his phone with his headphones in. Jin was sitting next to him and Yoongi's music was so loud Jin could hear it softly through his head phones. The sound of faint rap music was heard by those who were sitting near Yoongi.

Jin clicked the - button on the volume control that was on Yoongi's headphones until he couldn't hear it through the device. 

Yoongi took out one headphone and looked at Jin, "Hyung, what was that for?" Yoongi asked.

"You'll go deaf if it's that loud. We could hear your music through them. I'm just looking out for you." Jin said.

"Well don't. I don't need you to always feel like you have to protect me. I'm not a baby." 

"A.R.M.Y would say otherwise." Hoseok interrupted

"Yeah whatever." Yoongi growled

"Hyung, look I get that you're pissed and all but you don't need to take it out on everyone else." Jimin suggested. Yoongi looked up at him and sighed.

"I know Jimin. I'm sorry." Yoongi said softly. He's having major mood swings.. goodness Jimin thought. When it was finally time they went into the dance practice room and ran through the Run choreography along with I Need U and a few others. By the time dance was over and they were done at the studio it was almost dark out. Taehyung checked his watch and announced the time. 

"It's almost 8:00. Who wants dinner?" He said. They all chimed in agreeing on dinner. 

"Jjajangmyeon it is." Jin announced. When they got back to the dorm, Jin started to make dinner with the occasional help of Tae. When dinner was done Jin called out for the other members to come get it while it was still hot. They all came out for food except for Jungkook. When Jin called for him and he didn't come to the kitchen, Jimin went to go find him. Jimin went into their room and heard the shower on.

 He was about to walk out and tell Jin he was showering when he heard a soft whimper muffled by the sound of the water. Immediately worried Jimin knocked on the door. When Jungkook didn't say anything and Jimin could hear him crying harder he opened the door. When he entered the bathroom he was confronted by steam, the sound of water and the sound of Jungkook crying. Jimin moved the curtain to find Jungkook huddled in the corner of the tub curled up. Jimin turned the water off and and had Jungkook stand up. He wrapped a towel around him and pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly. 

Jimin lead Jungkook who was still in tears to the bed and sat him down. He grabbed another fluffy towel and started drying off Jungkook's hair. When his hair wasn't dripping wet anymore he helped him finish drying off and got him dressed in something comfortable. Jimin pulled the blankets back on Jungkook's bed and tucked him in. Jungkook's eyes were red and puffy from crying and his cheeks and nose were slightly pink. Jimin pulled the blankets up and brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead.

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