Let's Fall (part 7)

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“Elizabeth!” I was still calling her. Even though deep inside, I knew she can’t hear me.

“Ugh, this is useless.” I groaned as I pick her up. I walked into the living room and placing her on the big sofa.

“Elizabeth,” I whispered, hoping she would hear me. “Can you hear me?” I asked her.

I held her hands, which felt so soft and amazing.

I feel useless. Any kind of magic can’t be used to do anything. I’m her guardian, and was supposed to guard her, but I have failed.

“But not completely” I hear a voice said.

“Elizabeth?” I called, looking at her. Her eyes are still closed, and she smiled.

“I’m still alive right?” She asked and I nodded. “That’s good..” She said, and smiled again.

“What did Charles do to you?” I asked.

“I can’t remember well,” She paused, “But I’m pretty sure it’s about joining the dark side..” She explained looking at me.

The way her eyes that stared deep inside me was telling me that she’s not who I think she is..

“What’s wrong Jason? Why are you being quiet?” She asked.

“Nothing..” I said.

What happened? I can’t read her mind, or her actions. I can’t do anything to her.

“Jason, can you stay with me tonight?” Elizabeth said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, that I felt dizzy and not well, I need someone to be next to me..” She explained.

“Oh, okay.. Let’s go to my room then” I said, getting up. Don’t think of anything weird, I just don’t feel like it was safe if it was going to be her room. She has already been taken by the darks once, and I can’t let that happen again.

“Okay.” She said, getting up and following me as I lead her to my room.

“Just lay down first, I’ll come a bit late” I said as we reached my room. She lay down and I went to my bathroom.

What’s happening. I can’t think when I’m with her, I can’t read her mind, I can’t read her actions. Have I lost all my powers? Have I failed? I haven’t, right? Right.

This doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel right. Something must have gone wrong. But what is it?

“Jason? Are you going to be longer in there?” I heard Elizabeth calls me.

“No, I’m coming.” I said as I reach the door knob and open the door.

“Come lay next to me..” She whispered, loud enough so I can hear her.

I did as she wish. Didn’t know why, but I just did. I lay next to her, with my arms holding her and her head laying on my chest. And um, my heartbeat run faster.

“I can feel your heartbeat..” She whispered.

“I know, I feel yours too.” I said as I felt our heartbeats turns faster and louder.

“Have ever held a girl before?” She asked.

“No..” I replied shortly.

“It’s my first time too having someone holding me close..” She said.

Soon enough, she lifted her head and stared into my eyes. A few seconds after, her staring becomes so calming.. She is moving closer, and closer. As we stared into each other, I noticed how the her eyes turned pitch black, and she whispered, “You’re failing already, Jason Mccann..” She smiled. How does she knows my last name?

Oh no, this isn't Elizabeth.

It's Morgana.


Who is Morgana? 

Hi guys, I'm sorry for not updating for a very long time. I just got so busy for school and everything. And omg you guys made me have 700+ reads. That's like super amazing for me! I really love you guys. 

And I'm not gonna promise you this but I'm maybe going to update once a week. Is that okay? 

And again THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THE READS YOU GUYS GAVE ME. you are all secute ;) <3

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