Jamie Benn

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Ah. Well. Here's this.

Gonna be doing the guys POV after I'm done with the stories that I was


It was my second nosebleed of the day. The first one earned me a concerned look from Jamie. This one will probably earn me dirty looks from some of the other girlfriends. The ones who knew about my dirty habit, that is. Some of them still talked to me, some of them got high with me, some of them were completely oblivious as to what was going on.

"Oh sweetie, your nose." One of the women holding baby handed me a couple tissues and I ran to the bathroom.

My best friend, or my favorite Stars girlfriend, followed me and crossed her arms. She was clean. Or so she told me and Tyler. "I thought you were going to be done."

"Don't want me to have all the fun? Or you don't want me to be skinnier than you?" I joked as she fixed her hair in the mirror.

"Jamie isn't going to be happy."

"Jamie saw my nosebleed earlier. That didn't stop me from doing anything before I got to the arena." I smirked, making sure all of the blood was off of my face and went back to the box. Abbey wasn't happy with me, but I nudged her side to get her to smile. "Come on. The boys are going to win this and it'll be a great night out on the town."

We would all meet at Tyler's apartment but I had to make a pit stop first. I stepped out, leaving Abbey in the car. I met up with an old friend, giving them the cash that they needed and was on my way to the mansion where we would meet the rest of the team.

I walked in and my breath hitched as soon as I saw Jamie. They had just won the game, but he didn't look happy at all. "Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom."

"Better not find any powder on my sink." I rolled my eyes at Tyler, trying to avoid my boyfriend who was going to give me another lecture. I should really just keep a tally going of how many I get in a week.

I shut the bathroom door behind me, locking it. I took one of the vials out of my cutch and sorted out three lines. While I was in there, I touched up my makeup and straightened out my outfit. Chances are I would do this once or twice more tonight. Depending on how late we're out.

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes met Jamie's. I tried walking away, but he grabbed my arm and nodded towards the guest bedroom.

"You can't keep doing this. It's not going to end well."

"Doing what?"

"We are not doing this right now." He rubbed the back of his neck and paced around the room. You would never know that they won the first game of the series.

"You're the one that brought it up." I put all of my weight on my left leg. He could tell I was unimpressed with him. He looked the same way. "Listen, just give me the night. I'll quit."

Jamie nodded in defeat. I knew that I could easily get him to surrender if I used the sex card, but I definitely would remember that.

"Babe. Baby. Wake up." Someone was shaking me. My vision was blurred, but I could feel someone slap me. Probably Abbey, but who knows. I tried talking, but my words were jumbled. I couldn't get out a sentence to save my life.

"Take her to the hospital."

"Not yet. She's coming to." Somehow, they understood me when I asked about where I was and what happened. "You fell and blacked out."

The pain in Jamie's eyes was enough to make me want to quit. But God help me, I'm out of control.

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