A night to remember.

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(Harry's pov)

I walked Lyndi up the stairs to my room, when her hand reached out and she said my name. "Harry...."

"Yes, love" was she dreaming? Or was she awake?

She mumbled, but finally spoke. "Harry, don't go. This is embarrassing, but the movie scared me. Stay with me, please?"

"Sure love. I will stay with you all night, don't get scared, I'm right here." 

I tried to sooth her to a peaceful sleep.

I grabbed one of my old t-shirts and a pair of sweats for her to sleep in. I couldn't get her to wake up, so I just slipped them on her. And no, I didn't peak! I took off my shirt and jeans and just slept in my boxers.

Lyndi immediately snuggled up to me, it felt good, warm and sweet. She would wake up every so-often with nightmares; but I was always right there to hold her and make her feel safe.

(Original pov)

I don't remember going to bed, I turned around and I was sleeping with Harry Styles!! I must have fell asleep and he brought me up here. This boy is the definition of sweet! I woke up a couple of times with nightmares, but Harry was always there to comfort me. I finally closed my eyes for one last goodnight.

**Morning Time!**

(Original Pov)

I woke up and Harry is gone. I get up and notice I'm not in my own clothes, but I sure am comfortable! Then I saw Harry come out of the bathroom in just his boxers. Oh my gosh, his body is so toned.

"U-uh, u-uh good morning Harry!" Stupid! Now he knows I was staring at him.

He smiled cheekily, "Good morning love, how did you sleep?"

"I slept great! Who's clothes are these? Why am I wearing this?" I really wanted to know.

"Erm, well, those are mine. You didn't look comfortable so I changed you.... Don't worry, I didn't peek!" He looked embarrassed and blushed.

(Harry's pov)

You stupid Curly Head! Why did you say that? Now you look like a freak, and a pervert.

She blushed back. "Oh Harry, you didn't? But I'm so ugly, why did you look?" She looked mad and embarrassed all at once!

"No Lyndi, your gorgeous. Don't ever think that." With that I went over to her and begin to kiss her with a lot of force and heart.

(Original pov)

I'M KISSING HARRY STYLES! And for the second time too. What has gotten into me? Harry shut the door all smooth like with his foot and began to take my shirt off. Honestly, I let him, I mean who wouldn't?! He began to make soft kisses down my neck, shoulders and chest. I didn't have a problem with this, it's when he began to take off my sweats that it got bad.

"Harry, stop. I can't do this." I didn't want to say this, but I have to. Even though Bret and I dated for almost 4 years, we never did anything beyond 3rd base. I'm still a virgin.

"Why Lyndi?" He looked confused.

"It's nothing against you Harry, it's just I-i-I'm a v-virgin." I blushed like crazy, embarrassed at what I just said.

"It's okay, Love. I can wait." He said this with a smirk and a wink. He wants me, and I want him, but I have to know just a little better before I let my virginity slip right out from under my feet!

He tossed me my clothes, and we went downstairs when I smelled bacon! I stopped in mid-tracks. "Harry? Who else is here?" We were about to have Sex and there were other people in the house!

"Oh don't worry, that's just my mum. Gemma may be here? I'm not sure."  

I'm about to meet his mom looking like this..... What a mess!

"Harry, I can't meet your mom looking like this!" I said whilst pointing to my drab outfit. "You look fine Lyndi, my mum won't judge!" He said this so smooth, and calm, I believed him and followed him down the stairs to meet his mom.

"Muuuuum!" Harry screeched out to his mom.

"Yes Harry?" She sounded sweet. She walked to the living room where Harry and I were.

"Mum, this is Lyndi. Lyndi this is my mum." Harry introduced us.

"Nice to meet you Lyndi, I'm Anne." She was gorgeous. And sweet too. She had a similarity to Harry, but they looked different. She had dazzling features for a woman of her age.

"Nice to meet you too, Anne." I shook her hand.

She looked at Harry and immediately changed the subject. "You must be starving?!" Harry shook his head yes furiously! She then looked at me. "Are you hungry sweetie?" I answered with a simple nod as she led is to the kitchen to have breakfast. 

Anne is a great cook. I've never been a big fan of French Toast, but hers... it was amaZAYN! Do you see what i did there? It was silent in the room, not the awkward silence i hate, but a peaceful silence. That was until Anne spoke, "So how long have you and Harry dating?" I nearly choked on my food. Well it was awkward now. I guess Harry decided to answer for the both of us...

Authors Note: Im sorry for wrong spelling and stuff, im writing this on my laptop not my phone.

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