From Sun to Rain.

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It was May 12, 2013. The day of your parents funeral and the day you begin to pack up for Holmes Chapel in Chesire.

As the funeral begins, you notice your friends and family members coming more and more.

You heard a lot of "I'm so sorry for your loss." Or "If you ever need something, you can come to me." Or "You must be going through so much withdrawal." When in reality, 99.9% of these people had no idea how this felt. Your reply was usually a nod or a sniffle.

When your best friend, Abby, came up to you all you did was let her hold you.

(Lyndi's pov, or original pov)

"I'm so sorry Lyndi, I can't believe this happened." Abby said this with sadness, but I can tell she didn't mean her words.

"All fairy tales don't have happy endings you know." I said with honesty. I never realized how pitch perfect my life was, until now. I mean come on! I may have had a "fairy tale life," but it shouldn't have come to a crisis ending like it did. I looked up and Abby was walking off with her boyfriend, Timmy, as I was in a daze.

Now I'm going to go live my grandparents on my Moms side of the family, my dads parents were already dead. I have never met them, and now I have to pack up and leave my old life in sunny Florida to go to rainy England.

"Lyndi??!!" Bret yelled at me, while clapping his hands in front of my face.

Bret Mitchell. The football star. The jock. The boy every guy wants to be. My boyfriend.

"What Bret?" Frustration is the only way to describe the way my words came out.

"I just want to be here for you, Lyndi. Is that so much?" He cried out. He acted like I just shot him. Jeez can't a girl be a little upset at her parents funeral?

"God Bret! Your acting so melodramatic; I mean can't a girl be just a little sad right now? At her parents funeral."

"Oh Lyndi, I'm so sorry. I'm right here." He hugged me tightly, and I let him. "Where are you going to live anyway?"

"Speaking of this.... Bret, I'm moving to England with my grandparents." His face went blank. Then full of anger. "Bret, even though I turn 18 next January, I can't live here. Everything reminds me of them too much." I began to cry for the 4th time today.

"How can you do this to me? To us? I'm just going to call 'us' off now before anything else happens." He turned around and walked out of my parents funeral.

I couldn't believe him. He just broke off our 3 almost 4 year relationship. I broke down again, but this time on the floor. I looked up and saw Abby running over to me, almost falling in her heals.

"Lyndi??" I looked up at her and she just held me tight. "Lyndi?? Why did Bret just leave?" She had a look of sorrow and confusion on her face.

"He just broke up with me." I sobbed, admitting this out loud was harder than I thought it would be.

"Oh Lyndi, everything will be okay." She brought out her soothing voice, and for a split second I believed her.

"Ahem," Preacher Michael said. "The funeral will now begin."


After the funeral.

I got in my Grandparents rental car to drive to my house to begin packing.

"So Lyndi are you excited to come Holmes Chapel?" Grandpa Joe asked me, while looking in the rearview.

"I guess." That's all I said. And that was all that was said until we got to my house er my old house that would soon sell.


2 weeks later.

(Narrators pov)

Lyndi's moved into her new house and school is just over and she will now be a senior in high school this fall.


Authors note: Heyyyy! This is my first fanfic, so please don't hate!! I know this chapter is boring, but the plot thickens when the famous Harry Styles comes back to town and meets a lovely girl named Lyndi!! Please keep reading and vote and comment!! Thanks I love you all soooo much!! Xx

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