I gave him a kiss, and now I'm his?

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"Jordan..", Tristan breathed. Then.....left.

He left me, when I just got back from death!?!?




I got up and packed up my bags and left again.

I was crying. I could barely see anything through my layer of tears coming down. Why me?

It was raining and I was crying, and I think Tristan just left me.

I smiled. How could I be so stupid to fall for a guy so fast. For one that I just met 4 months ago, and have never known before, and thinks that he can hurt me whenever he wants. Toss me around like I'm a doll. And doesn't care about my feelings? That's him. Tristan Daniels. The name I spit at. The one person I thought I could tell everything, and wouldn't judge me or leave me. Who would talk to me whenever I needed him. Who wouldn't not talk to me for a stupid reason. But that's not who he is in my mind anymore. In my mind, he's a arrogant jerk who messes with girls feelings, who ignores you, who cant look you in the eye, who can't do anything right for you. Why did he have to be my mate? Oh yeah, Kismet put us together. Ha, and I thought he was perfect and for me! But no he isn't. If he just leaves now, won't he leave later on in our relationship? Probally.

I decided to call the radio dj and see what he has to say.

"Caller number ten, this is DJ J, what can I do for you today.", he said.

"Well I just wanted to point out that my long time boyfriend just left me. After he saved me from my drunk father, and I woke up from death. He knows who he is or should I say his name over national radio?", I said.

"Wow. Ok, say his name if you wanna.", he said.

"Well my name is Jordan. I'm smart not to say my last name. His name is Tristan D. Y'all should know wht D stands for.", I said and hung up.

That felt so good. But I still was hurting.

I drove to the one place I know that I can be alone, quiet.

The ocean.

To a cliff.

And ocean cliff.


I wouldn't be stupid.



I heard a noise.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I said.

He just smirked. It wasn't Tristan.

Then, I was pushed.

Goodbye world.

But no goodbye to Tristan.


Soorryy! Don't kill me!

But whose the person? Who iiiiisssss iiiitttttt!


But I put my real feelings into this cuz I have no one else to take them on. And stupid boy. They aren't worth your time. All you gonna do is get hurt in the end.

Love y'all!


I gave him a kiss, and now I'm his?Where stories live. Discover now