I gave him a kiss, and now I'm his?

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Ok so, I didn't write the last chapter.

My bff J wrote it. So... I'm not mad at anybody.

She was/is. So...,

I hope you guys don't freak!

Mostly my guy friend who might of read that!




I wub you peoples!:). <3<3


I felt something soft under me.

Then, a arm around me.

Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan.

His name kept repeating over and over in my mind.

Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan. Tristan.

I knew that this was where I was meant to be. Right here with him. Right here now.

Rigt here forever.

I finally opened my eyes.

I opened my eyes to meet the most beautiful blue ones ever. My mates.

He was staring right at me with awe. With love, and passion, and hurt, and sadness, and happiness, but love was the biggest thing that I saw.

"I love you.", I said finally having my voice back.

"As I love you, love.", he smiled. It made me smile and giggle.

He kissed me. It had been my first kiss in about a weeks time. Maybe, I don't know.

But he is my love my life. My everything.

"Your fully healed love.", he said which shook me out of my thoughts.

"Yayy.", I smiled as I said it.

I had something in mind.

He gave me a devilsish grin.

"You need food first.", he whispered in my ear.

He picked me up and carried me bridal style downstairs. I breathed in his familiar scent.

Before we were downstairs I told him something I thought only people said in books.

"Tristan, I- I-I love you. And want you. I want to be yours...forever.", I said.

He smiled.

"As I love you, you are already mine forever. But if you want it to be official...then. It will be so.", he said.

By that time, we were in the kitchen.

I had a giant smile on my face.

Wow. This is going to be an interesting breakfast/day.

I love you. You...you...you...you loser of a mate.

Hehe. <3<3

I gave him a kiss, and now I'm his?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang