"All I ask is that you allow me to voice my feelings for you, Miss Taylor," he continued, eyeing her intently from under the dripping rim of his umbrella. "If you choose not to accept my advances, you have my promise that I shall return to Cheshire for good – but before I do so, I simply must hear you speak your thoughts directly to me. I must know, Miss Taylor, if you love me as I love you."

For several moments, the whole world stopped. It was as if time had somehow stood still; the bustling of the odd passer-by and the distant clopping of hooves ceased to exist for Catherine as she struggled to comprehend the professor's words. She could not begin to wonder how many times she had imagined those very words leaving the professor's lips, and how she might respond – yet now, in the moment, to her horror she found her senses had escaped her completely, and she had no idea how to respond.

"I left you," she replied eventually, lowering her gaze to the damp cobbles in shame. "Twice I have run away from you; how can you claim to love me after witnessing me behaving so childishly?"

"There will be plenty of time for us to discuss such matters later," he dismissed. "For now I simply require from you an answer. If you so wish it I will then make myself scarce; I only beg that you tell me plain what you feel for me."

There was silence but for the steady patter of rain on the professor's umbrella for a few moments as Catherine considered her response.

"I do not wish for you to leave," she mumbled eventually still looking determinedly down at her feet. "I do not wish for you to leave me, ever – because I love you."

A sharp intake of breath caused Catherine's gaze to snap up – and a more jubilant expression she had never seen than the one illuminating the professor's face now.

"You have no idea what perfect happiness your words have given me, Miss Taylor!" he cried. "You cannot imagine how long I have waited to hear you utter them!"

"On the contrary, I am sure I can," Catherine replied, finding herself moving towards the professor instinctively, "for it cannot be any longer than I have spent wondering if you love me!"

Professor Lawes closed the remaining distance between them, so that they were now almost nose-to-nose under the umbrella, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

"There is so much I wish to say to you, Miss Taylor," said Professor Lawes eagerly. "Would you care to accompany me on a walk?"

I brought an umbrella this time," he added, a small smile playing across his lips.

"It would be a pleasure," replied Catherine with a smile of her own, looping her arm through his contentedly as they began to wander down the street. She could not bring herself to worry about the dampness or the mud; her heart was so light she felt as if she were floating three feet above the cobbles. They meandered along in companionable silence for some time, the lack of conversation seeming perfectly natural between them as each considered their own thoughts. Catherine was in fact so lost in her own mind that she was quite startled when Professor Lawes eventually spoke.

"You must know, Miss Taylor, that the morning I happened upon you in Barnbury with Miss Russell and Miss Cavendish still troubles me to this day," he said in a harrowed tone of voice.

Of course Catherine knew instantly of which morning he spoke, and her lips pursed in displeasure. The professor had just made her the happiest woman in the whole of Warwick by confessing his love to her; why did he now have to spoil it all by bringing up such an uncomfortable subject?

"At the time I did not consider my actions at all thoroughly," he continued. "It was only later I realised the severity of my misconduct."

Catherine made no reply; she was not entirely sure what she could say on the matter. It had been a perfectly mortifying experience for her, and she certainly had no desire to relive it again. She could not imagine what Professor Lawes hoped to gain by discussing it – perhaps he was anxious to know that Catherine had forgiven him?

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