Chapter 6

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Felix's Point of view

She was sitting at her desk and didn't even bother to apologize for yesterday. In fact, she acted like she didn't even see me walk in and ignored my presence. I sighed loudly and sat at the back of the first row. Funny thing was that even though she stood me up and got me pissed, I still liked her. Today, she looks different for some reason. She had cut her hair to shoulder length and colored it blue. She must had cut it herself for it was all in uneven lengths. She was wearing some black leggings and a long black sleeved hoodie. She also had put on some black lipstick and all other makeup available for girls to put on. She didn't need makeup. She was beautiful just the way she was: is. One minute before the bell rang she turned around and made eye contact. We stayed like that for a while, without blinking or talking. The she turned around and the bell rang. A tsunami of kids burst through the door and kill off each other for a seat. Sometimes I wondered why they decide to wait for the bell to ring to get to class. But right now something else more important came to mind. Why is that during all the time I had gotten to know Bella, I have yet to see her smile.

Bella's Point of view

I made eye contact with Felix. I was surprised I even had such courage; I however, had no idea why I did that. Maybe I wanted a wave or a smile but all I got was a death stare. He must be pretty mad at me since he didn't decide to sit with me at lunch. I glanced around the cafeteria for him and noticed he was sitting over at the "jock" table. Great. I could see Jacky and what I assumed to be her boyfriend, Jake. They are the "it" couple at this school but I didn't believe so. I called them the "JAYJAY" couple. I didn't realize I had been staring for so long that it took me a while to notice Felix and Jacky staring at me. I quickly looked away and ignored the laughter that had started coming from their side of the cafeteria.

Jacky's Point of view

"Bitch Bella is looking this way!" I exclaimed to my "booboo" Jake, and his really cute friend. "Don't call her that" Jake's friend said. "Ah chill, she's just joking around, right babe?" Jake answered. I hated when he did that. Thinking he has to defend me in any way. I could defend myself, yet I wondered why I am with him. Oh wait, that's true, his popularity and money. "Sure" I said bleakly, "She's still staring." We all looked at her and she finally noticed we caught her and looked away quickly. We all exploded with laughter, all except Felix; who had the most serious look on his face. "What's your problem dude?" I asked, "It's funny, you know." He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his food. Something was wrong with Felix and Bitch Bella. Maybe Jake will be useful to me for once.

Thanks to Frannnk for letting me his laptop to post this chapter!!! (; (chapter written from 11:30 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.)

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