Chapter 5

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Felix's Point of view

Bella wasn't at school today. I thought perhaps she was late or something, so I looked for her during lunch and after school. I couldn't find her. All day had been with dumb people asking me, "OMG! What happened to your arm?!" I thought about correcting them saying that I injured my hand, not arm, but yet I knew it would be useless. I kept picturing the worst on what could had happened to her, but I brushed the thoughts away. I decided to start heading home after a while when I saw her. She looked dreadful. She had huge bags under her eyes and her clothes were extremely wrinkled and her hair looked oily. However, she was able to make that look amazing. I started walking to her and was close enough to hear her say, "Stop." "Stop? Why should I stop Bella?" She looked up and I saw those eyes. Those brown, tired looking eyes full with sadness, hatred, frustration. "I don't want you closer. Just stay away, and let me be." I looked at her with confusion, wondering why she was hear and like that. "What happened to you? Why didn't you go to school? Why are you here dressed like that?" She stared at the ground while answering me. "My mom was in accident, so I decided to take a day off school." Accident? What kind of accident? I asked myself. I badly wanted to ask her what exactly happened but I have been in her situation and preferred to keep it to myself. "So, are you heading somewhere? Or do you want to get coffee or something?" Did I just asked her out on a date? or maybe it's not a date.. Just friends hanging out.. Are we even friends?.. Dammit. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear her say yes. "Helllo? Felix, you still alive?" "Huh? Oh yeah I'm alive", I said. What the hell did I just say? Biting my tongue in order to stop saying dumb shit, she said yes, but that she was going to go home and change. I wanted to tell her that she looked beautiful already and she never had to change; yet, before I could reply she had already started running away and yelled back, "I will meet you in a bit! Don't move!" I waved at her and yelled back that I wouldn't move.

I waited for what seemed an eternity. I looked at my outfit and thought if it was appropriate for a first date, IF it was a date. Jeans and a gray shirt didn't seem too bad, yet it was Bella, the girl I like and the most beautiful human being to ever walk on this Earth. I looked at the direction she had gone and looked as far as I could. I couldn't see her. I glanced at my watch and noticed an hour had already passed. I waited, and waited, and waited. I ended up waiting for two hours. TWO FUCKING HOURS. My anger got the best of me and I started punching the floor; damaging my hand even more, but I didn't cared. I wanted to feel something. Pain or whatnot. I stood up and started walking home, again. "She stood me up, she stood me up" was the only thought running through my head for the rest of the day.

Bella's Point of view

My mom wasn't in any accident, she just dropped a bunch of dishes, but I couldn't tell him that the reason I didn't end up going was just based on laziness. It was a bitchy move and all, but that's just me. He ended up asking me out for coffee. I told him yes, even though I hated going to school, so I despised going "out." I made up the stupid excuse of changing my outfit and ran away. What can I say? I felt bad for leaving him alone, yet I didn't. I showered and pull out my music and started hearing "The Bunny The Bear" and put it on max volume. I let the music silent the thoughts that ran through my head about Felix.


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