Gansey frowns and pulls out a mint leaf to place under his tongue."I don't know about that," He mutters. "If it's nothing than I don't want to ruin one of Blue's friendships."

"Well from what she's told me," Adam states."She doesn't like him all too much."

"When did she tell you that?" Gansey asks, a strange tone in his voice.

"Why the hell would she tell you?"Ronan urgently question him at the same time.

Adam blinks in surprise."I don't know, some time last week. She always complains about him and Neeve. And why wouldn't she tell me? We're friends," Adam asks defensively.

"Oh, right," Gansey mutters awkwardly scratching the back of him neck.

"Is it so hard to believe that she might actually talk to me?" Adam asks angrily.

"Of course not. I was just wondering when she told you and not the rest of us. Sorry," Gansey says regretfully.

"We were working on cleaning up Cabeswater together. We always do that now," Adam mutters, still angry.

Gansey cocks his head to the side."I would have helped. Why didn't you guys tell me you were working on it?" Gansey asks, confused.

"I don't know, we just wanted some alone time," Adam says cooling down and feeling slightly guilty for being so defensive.

"Why would you want alone time with Jane?" Gansey questions, still utterly confused.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ronan asks hotly.

Adam and Gansey look at him, Adam with a fiery glare."No. What do you mean?" Gansey asks innocently.

"He doesn't mean anything," Adam says, angry once again.

"Oh come on Parrish. It's obvious that you're hard for her," Ronan states, suddenly angry.

Adam gets red in the face."No I'm not!" He yells angrily

"Then try explaining why you always want to be with her!" Ronan yells back.

"Isn't it fucking obvious! She's like me! She's from Henrietta. She's here on a scholarship. She actually has to try. We're close to each other because we're alike! Sure maybe I used to like her, but that was in the beginning. Now we know each other better and neither of us want to be together. Her and I have already discussed it all," He shouts furiously before standing up from the table and storming off outside.

Ronan and Gansey sit there stunned. "What just happened?" Gansey asks groggily.

"I think," Ronan states still in shock."that he just said he doesn't want to fuck around with Blue. They just want to be friends with each other." Then the tiniest of smiles appears on Ronan's face.

"But like, why would he have been into Blue anyway. When was that?" Gansey asks, still bewildered.

"Gansey my brother, you can really be oblivious sometimes," Ronan says while getting up and patting him on the shoulder before strutting out the same cafeteria doors that Adam had just went through.

Gansey sits in his chair, alone at his table, and wonders what the hell is happening. So Parrish used to like Jane, but now he doesn't? And that makes Ronan happy? Why does that make Ronan happy?And Jane doesn't like Parrish either? Why would they talk about that together? Why do I care who likes who? It's not like I'm into any of them. Right? Right. Gansey clutches his head to stop thinking so many questions that he doesn't understand the answers to. "Right..." Gansey sighs to himself.

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