Everything back to normal (Chapter 11)

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After getting released Martin and Chris went back to the tortuga and climbed into bed,

Chris p.o.v
When we climbed into bed, Martin decided to massage my back again. I don't know why he likes doing that but I don't argue with him so I'm laying on my side enjoying the relaxing massage. After an hour or so I fall asleep but not for vary long though because suddenly I hear someone calling me.

"Chris it's time to get up!" I hear my brother shout,

"Oh come on just a few more minutes mom" I mumble tiredly rolling onto my back kinda hoping that Martin is under me,

"Come on Chris stop being such a bed potato and get up!"

"No I'm not getting up and you can't make me!" I say snuggling more underneath my warm blanket.

"Come on it's a great day today besides Aviva needs you." I think about this for a bit than roll out of bed and start getting dressed.

While I'm sitting down on my hamic putting on my shoes  Martin decides to climb up my shirt and into my  pocket, I just give a small chuckle then stand up and walk into the main room. I see Aviva standing there holding something in her hand then she quickly turned around in surprise,

"Oh hey Chris nice to see yah hey I have a favour to ask you."

"Sure what's up?"

"Well I was working on the miniaturizer this morning when suddenly it malfunctioned and shrunk Jimmy and Koki again, I was wondering if you could put them on my invention station then help me fix it completely this time?" She asked holding up Koki and Jimmy,

"Sure no problem." I say taking Koki and Jimmy from Aviva and putting them on Aviva's desk along with Martin who complained.

"So what do you need help with or are you going to use me as a stool like yesterday?" I ask with an amused face,

"Well for now I need you as a stool." She said with an apologetic face

"Ya saw that one coming, ok hop on." I say getting on my hands and knees letting Aviva get on my back.

Time skip _~_~_~_~_~
Chris p.o.v
After several failed attempts we finally got the miniaturizer working properly and we got everyone back to their real size, well everyone but Martin who wanted to stay tiny, typical Martin. So after we put the miniaturizer in a safe spot Martin and I decided to just enjoy some peace and quiet or at least I was trying to, Martin kept tickling me until I finally caught him and decided to make him his normal size. that was my worst idea ever because as soon as I turned around to walk out of the room Martin tackled me from behind and dragged me into our room and looked the door behind him, he pinned me down and tickled me until I was out of breath.he got up to unlock the door but I pulled him down and tickled him and we had tickle wars for the rest of the day.

"I'm so glad to have things back to normal aren't you Martin?"

"Yah, I am." He says out of breath and then we fall asleep with out arms rapped around each other, 'Today was the best and worst day ever!' Was my last thought before I fell into a deep sleep.........

(Hey guys I'm finally done the story! Yay! I would like to thank everyone who red this and a special thanks to "nanaamaro" for the idea for the last three parts of my story! I would like to announce that I might make one shot books to follow this but it's a big might, all depends on inspiration so I hope you all enjoyed "Kratts" and that you all like my other books and that if you have an idea for a one shot, send  it my direction!) Toothy out 🐸

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