Chapter 4

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Third person p.o.v
Chris and Martin were swinging around through the trees again when Martin said he was getting sick from swinging so Chris stopped and stood on a branch.

Chris p.o.v
Martin said he was getting sick from swinging so I stopped on a branch and let him settle down.

"You ok bro, you need a chance to stop spinning?"

"Ya that would be great, I don't think I can handle to much more of this swinging around."

"Ok then if you want I'll take you off my shoulder."

"no thanks but you could deactivate your suit."

"ok I can do that." so I deactivated my suit and just let Martin cool down.

"You good to go Martin?" I asked him after a few minutes but it turned out that he was asleep.

I laughed quietly then put him in my pocket and carefully climbed down the tree and went back to the tortuga.

Martin p.o.v
As we were swinging through the trees, I started to feel sick. Chris stopped on a branch and let my stomach settle then the next thing I knew I was asleep. after a while I woke up and I wasn't on Chris' shoulder any more but I knew I was still on him cause I could here him breathing. I looked around and sat up a bit, when I sat up Chris must have felt me move because I all the sudden I see Chris' hand taking me out of wherever ever I was. I looked at were I had come from and saw that I was in his shirt pocket.

"Chris what was I doing in your pocket?" I asked

"I put you in there when you fell asleep, I didn't want you to fall off me again so I put you in my pocket." Chris explained

"oh how long have I been out?"

"About an hour maybe 2." Chris responded

"wow, so what have you been doing while I was out?" I ask

"oh just helping Aviva with the minitureizer, did a little climbing but mainly I've been waiting for you to wake up."

"uh why were you waiting for me to wake up?" I asked confused

"because I wanted to and I had nothing better to do." he stated

"oh, ok. so where are we?"

"In a hamic waiting for something to do."

"ok then" Chris then sets me down on his chest and we just relaxed.

Chris p.o.v
Martin has just woken up after his 1 or 2 hour nap and is now laying down on my chest relaxing. after a few minutes I guess I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know someone is calling my name telling me to wake up. my eyes fly open and shoot up sending Martin flying from what seemed to be my nose to my feet.

"Martin you ok?" I ask concerned

"oh Ya I'm fine, in fact that was really fun! Can I do it again?" He asked excitedly.

"Really Martin, you're ridiculous, I am not doing that again, now who was calling me?"

"I was!" Martin said seeming excited

"why were you calling me?" I asked a little annoyed

"because Aviva wants you, when she came out she was about to use a feather but I said that I would get you up. I was sitting on your nose for most of it then I crawled to your ear and was calling your name. when you stirred I climbed back onto your nose and called your name really loud and told you to wake up. the next thing you know I'm flying through the air to your feet." Martin explained,

as he was explaining I had picked him up and put him in my shirt pocket. we walked into the tortuga and saw Aviva working on the miniatureizer,

"oh great, you're up. now you can help me with the minitureizer, do you mind holding these wires while I replace the size panel?" Aviva asked

"sure no problem." so I walked over to where Aviva was and held them.
as I was holding the wires. Aviva needed something behind me so she went and got it, when she walked back to where she was working, she ended up bumping my back.

Martin p.o.v
Aviva had asked Chris to hold some wires, when she needed something from behind Chris and ended up bumping Chris and knocking me out of his pocket. Chris didn't notice that I had fallen out, (probably because he was too distracted by Aviva's beauty😍, just joking.😄) so I called his name. luckily he heard me and caught me, he quickly put me back in his shirt pocket and went back to holding the wires.

"thanks bro that was close a one, few seconds more and I might have ended up in the minitureizer." but Chris didn't answer, he just stood there holding the wires not giving me any attention.

"Chris you alright?"

He still didn't respond. I waited for Aviva to replace the size panel and didn't need Chris anymore then I climbed up to his shoulder and called his name into his ear hoping to get a response, instead he just gave a frustrated sigh.

"Ok Chris what's wrong with you? Why won't you answer me? If it because I fell again or something else just tell me!" I say in a loud voice.

I still didn't get an answer but he did go back to laying in the hamic, so I took advantage of it and climbed up onto his nose. I was sitting there staring at him waiting for an answer but instead he just closed his eyes and let out another frustrated sigh.

"Ok dude will you please just answer me? What's wrong with you today?" I asked him concerned.

Chris p.o.v
Martin is sitting on my nose asking me what's wrong and to be honest, I don't know how to answer that. I end up having my thoughts interrupted again by Martin trying to get me to answer. I open my eyes not knowing what to say.

"Can you please stop asking me what's wrong because nothing is wrong." I ask trying to keep my cool.

"Ya sure no problem" Martin said then asked "well I guess you want me off your nose huh?" Martin asks with a laugh.

"Ya it would be nice not having my brother on my nose while I'm relaxing." I respond and then we both laugh.

(Hey guys hope you are liking the book not sure what to write next but I hope you can give me some ideas.) toothy out 🐸

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