Chapter 8

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Chris p.o.v
Martin was able to help me get out of the doe by getting his stone chisel and chiseling me out and now I'm trying to find Gormond.

"Did you see where Gormond went?" Martin ask me,

"Sadly no, I was looking down when he left!"

"Well that's just great, how about we head back to the tortuga and fix the minitureizer so we can get back to real size." Martin said.

"Yeah good idea but I don't know how to?"

"I will talk you through it all I need is for you to carry me around!" Aviva said

"Ok then I can do that, lets get back to the tortuga and fix the minitureizer!" I say then heads back to the tortuga.
Time skip
Back at the tortuga Aviva has talked me through how to fix the miniaturizer and now it should work,

"So if I did this right it should be able to unshrink 3 people at the most but who's going to stay tiny?"

"I will!" Martin said volunteering,

"What! Bro are you sure you wanna do it?" I asked whispering the last part, a little shocked.

"Yeah Of course I'm sure who else would it be? Plus I'm getting used to being in your pocket!"Martin said whispering the last part.

"Well ok if you're sure, ok guys here we go, you ready?"

"Yeah never been more ready to get back to real size!" Jimmy said and we all laugh,

"Ok here we go!" I say powering up the miniaturizer then they pressed the button and it worked but they were still quite small maybe about the size of a average grade 1 kid, so they were big enough to work on the miniaturizer by them selfs but I would still have to help here and there,
Time skip
Chris p.o.v
It was almost ten at night and we were all getting ready for bed, when Martin and I were done getting ready I said that I was going to sleep in the tree above the tortuga by myself and of course my mini older brother disagrees with the idea,

"What do you mean you want to sleep in that tree alone?! What if Gourmand finds you up there and your asleep? You could end up having to watch an animal get cooked and you won't have your creature pod with you, we would have no idea where you are!"

"Fair enough but I know how to handle myself, trust me I'll be fine!"

"Yeah I know you will be but would you at least let me sleep in your pocket, to make me feel better?"

"Sorry mini bro but I'm sleeping up there by myself and nothing you say will change my mind, now if you'll excuse me I have to go make sure that I find a sturdy branch to sleep on then I'll be back. and I'll be checking my pockets before I go to bed, AND My shoes!" I called out before I left the tortuga.

Martin p.o.v
Chris just walked out of our room and I'm thinking of a way to get on Chris without him knowing when I get an idea, I would hide in Chris' hair brush and when he comes to brush his hair before bed and then latch onto a strand of hair and sleep in his hair. so I quickly get into his hair brush and waited for him to brush his hair.

Chris p.o.v
I just found a sturdy branch to sleep on so I'm just going back to my room to get dressed for bed and brush my hair, I hope that Martin isn't in my pocket. so I check that first and Martin isn't in there then I checked my shoes and he isn't in there so I relax and go in the bathroom to brush my hair.

Martin p.o.v
Chris just came in and my plan has worked, when he finally gets into the tree I let go of his hair and carefully walk to his ear in case I desperately need to tell him something. once I get to his ear I get comfortable and fall asleep. But before I can make it to his ear he scratches his head and I decided to get on his finger.

Chris p.o.v
I'm scratching my head when I feel like something on my finger, so I bring my hand in front of my eye so I can see what it was and to no surprise, it was Martin.

"What did I say about coming with me!?"

"You said not to but I'm your older brother and I wasn't going to let you sleep up here alone, besides I'm older and you can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh fine but your staying in my pocket alright?"

"Ok fine, it's where I was going to stay any ways."

"Good, now here you go." I said putting him in my pocket and patting his head gently,

"I'm a grown man not a two year old!" Martin said pouting.

I just laugh at my tiny brother and soon we're both asleep.

Toothy out 🐸

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