Chapter 7

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Chris p.o.v
"I just made Aviva and Martin go into the minitureizer!" I said to myself in a panicked voice.

I walked over to the minitureizer and frantically search all over the it but I didn't find Aviva and Martin anywhere. I sit back down on the chair and put my face in my hands,

"I'm losing everyone today, first I dropped Martin 2 or 3 times then I end up with Martin and Aviva in the minitureizer. how am I supposed to find them in there?" I muttered to myself.

Martin p.o.v
"How is Chris supposed to find us in here, we are so tiny compared to the minitureizer he could look right at us and not notice that it's us!" I say to Aviva.

"I know we could call him with my creature pod." Aviva said in a excited tone of voice

then she got her creature pod out but before she could call Chris there was a sudden shaking like someone was hitting the minitureizer or if someone was trying to put it back up.

"What's going on, why are we moving?"

"I don't know maybe Chris is trying to put the minitureizer back up."

"Well what ever he's doing he's going to knock us off of this platform!" I say in a shakier tone as the ground shakes under me.

Chris p.o.v
I'm trying to lift the minitureizer back up so I can hopefully find Martin and Aviva in the there but so far it's not going so well, after trying for about 10 minutes I finally managed to get the minitureizer back up right. I started looking for Martin and Aviva in the minitureizer when my creature pod rang, i answered it and it, it was Aviva.

"Aviva where are you in there?" I asked

"we don't know but you could walk around the minitureizer and we can say if we see you, ok."

"ok, that works."

So that's what I did, walking around the minitureizer slowly waiting for Martin and Aviva to say that they see me. as I'm walking I end up tripping over something, when I get back up Martin says that he sees me and I look into the minitureizer to see if I could see them.

"where are you guys? I can't see you!" I say then I noticed something moving inside the minitureizer,

it was blue and it looked surprisingly human, it was Martin! I reached into the minitureizer and let Martin and Aviva climb onto my hand,

"we're out finally." Martin said with a sigh of relief. I just laughed,

"so what do I do with the minitureizer, it's still broken?" I ask Aviva

"let's just relax for a while I've had enough excitement for one day." Aviva says

"I agree let's just chillax for a while." Martin said almost too willing to relax but I set that thought aside.

a few minutes later Martin suggest that we find Koki and Jimmy and take a walk through the forest while we take a break before we go back to working on the minitureizer, so I search around for Jimmy and Koki when I found them I let Martin get off and ask them if they want to go for a walk and they agreed.

Martin p.o.v
Chris has agreed to give the crew a ride on his shoulder as he walked through the rainforest but what Chris doesn't know is that when I asked Koki and Jimmy if they wanted to get a ride on Chris I also asked them if they wanted to help me with a prank I had also discussed this with Aviva and we all know what's going to happen. a while later we're all on Chris' shoulder and walking through the rainforest, we all look at each other then up at Chris who wasn't paying attention, I whistle a special toon and then the others nodded. after a few seconds we all jump down Chris' jacket and started ticking him!

Chris p.o.v
I'm walking through the rainforest with the crew on my shoulder, I hear Martin whistle a very nice toon but then next thing I know is the crew is jumping down my jacket. I stop and watch them jumping into my jacket but when I didn't think things could get any worse they start ticking me, I fall backwards onto the ground laughing.

"Stop it please stop, cut it out please, oh come on that's where I'm ticklish, no stop please!" I plead
but they don't seem to listen so I just lay out flat on the ground and laugh until I'm out of breath.

"Ok... ok please, stop tickling me guys."

"ok fine."

They say and walked out of my jacket, but just as Martin gets out Gormond the endangered species chef shows up, (if you watch "Wild Kratts" you know who I'm talking about.) I sit up in surprise and I don't realize that the crew had gone into my pocket. I slowly stand up but before I can say anything Gormond shoots doe balls at me, now usually I can dodge the doe balls but today I end up getting caught by one doe ball then Gormond puts two more doe balls on me (similar to the way he had Martin in the episode "Rainforest Stew")

"ha ha look who came through my part of rainforest, green grape it's so nice to see you, so where's your blue brother huh." I stay silent

"come tell me!" I still remain silent

"ok you wanna do it the hard way, if you don't tell me I'll just have to find him myself and you won't like what I'm going to do to him if I do find him."

I panic a little but then I feel movement in my pocket and I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Gormond won't find Martin or any of the others, but then I panicked again when they start banging on my chest. I noticed that the doe was covering my pocket and because the doe is sealing my pocket shut the crew and Martin won't have to much more oxygen to breathe. I stay silent as Gormond continues to try and make me talk but he soon gives up and goes off to try and find Martin and the others. After he leaves I try to move the doe down so the crew could breathe, luckily I managed to get it down enough that they could get out,

"you guys alright?" I asked concerned

"ya we're fine just a little out of breath." Martin said and the others nodded,

"Good, so how are we going to stop Gormond this time?" I ask the crew.

"I don't know, unless you could some how get back to the tortuga h.q. we can't do anything." Aviva says as the crew climbed up onto my shoulder.

"Then I guess we're in trouble cause I can't get out of this doe unless you guys could give me a hand."

"How are we supposed to help you when we're this size." Martin asked

"It's not that hard to do actually." I say with a grin

The others looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

Martin p.o.v
The crew and I were stuck in Chris' pocket because of Gormond's doe balls but luckily Chris was able to move it down some so we could breathe, after we got out of his pocket he asked me if I could help him get out of the doe. I'm not sure what he's going to ask me to do but I'm ready to help him.

(Hey guys I can't wait to see what you think about chapter 7 so leave comments or any suggestions on how to fix it up or what I should write about for chapter 8) Toothy out🐸

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