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" Hey, Ana we are going to the bonfire tomorrow night after the game, you should come with us, its a lot of fun" one of the girls say in the back. "Okay, I will did mom tell you, she invited Colton to dinner tonight." I tell them they all starting saying yeah that mom told them. "I'm going to ask him if he wants to go with me, if y'all don't mind If he goes" they all look at me. Saying that I should ask him smiling and laughing. We drop off Autumn and Erica at their house, Harper is staying the night at Marias house, we get to my house. They tell me good luck and to have fun, so I tell them bye and run in the house take a shower. Get my white sun dress and some white flats, look in the mirror hoping. I look pretty for him when he comes tonight and then the door bell rings its 630.

Feeling excited I run down the hall and open the door with a big smile and then I frown " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE JAKE" he walks right pass me and goes to the living room and sits down on the couch with a big smile on his face. " I came to see you A, why else would I be here, I still love and want you". I look at the clock its 635, Colton will be here any minute I need him to leave." You need to leave Jake my new boyfriend is going to be here and you need to leave now" I tell him with a serious look on my face. "You are lying to me, A you couldn't have moved along that fast, you still love me, im sorry about jade" he tells me. Before I can say anything I hear a knock on the door an yell "come in its not locked" I look at Jake, his eyes are wide.

Then suddenly, he yanks me down on top of him and kisses me, start pulling his hair. I pull free of his arms, I get up an start yelling Colton name. He gets in his truck and drives away, I run back in the house. I stop, I see flower on the floor that he had gotten for me tonight. I run back to living room and Jake is sitting down on the couch still, I walk to the coat closet and I see a baseball bat. Walking back to the living room, I have the bat in the air "DO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, IM GOING TO COUNT TO FIVE, IF YOU ARE NOT OUT OF MY HOUSE BY THEN YOU ARE GOING TO PICKING UP YOUR TEETH OFF THIS CARPET" I tell him crying and yelling.

"1" "whatever A you are going to hit me"

"2" he just sits there, so I will get his attention. I swing at the lamp by his head "WTF A YOU SERIOUS."

"3" I swing again this time he moves but he is still here.

"4" I tell him "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW OR NEXT TIME I WILL NOT MISS" he holds up his hands.

"5" I swing and I hit the wall with bat, he runs out the door.

I look down at the bat and its broken in two, I drop it to the floor and run to the door lock it. Run to my room and call may, she answers and ask what's wrong I tell her everything about what happened tonight with Jake, Colton and what Becky told me. Shes tell that  "me and harper are coming right now, harper is going to tell Chase, so he can call everybody, they can go find him and bring him to you, so you explain to him okay" I say okay, hang up and get off my bed. I have to go to unlock the door, I see the lamp shattered every where but, I don't care mom is going to be pissed. It was her favorite, mom and dad got it on their honeymoon for Spain.

I open the door, I see harper and may I start crying harder and sobbing, they take me to my room and tell me that they will find him. I hear harper on the phone talking to my mom and everyone telling them that they need to find him, so he can come and cheer me up. May brings me some aspirin and a glass of water, I take it then lay there for little while crying my eye out, my eyes get heavy. I cried myself to sleep "please find Colton for me please may and harper" then it was dark........

I wake up the next morning my eyes and head is hurting. I look around see may on the bed next to me sleep, where is harper. She is probably in the bathroom, I get up go to the bathroom. I don't want to look in the mirror, so I grab my brush and brush my hair, and brush my teeth. I hear my phone ring. I run in my room and look at its a text message saying to go to this address and that I need to hurry cause he is hurt, that I will see Colton truck in the driveway. I wake up may and run to the living room, where I see Chase and Tyler on the couch asleep. I tell them that Colton is hurt and needs help they shot off the couch.

And we run to the car get and drive to the address. We get there and I see that Colton is fine I get out of the car before. It stops, I start running, I see him and harper arguing and to the house. I see Becky in the doorway with a sheet on, I look at Colton, I see he has on his clothes from last night. Becky was right he came to her, I stop and I hear someone call his name. He turns around and shock is on his face when he see everybody. I see him coming towards us, I turn around and start walking to the car. Then I hear " I TOLD YOU ANA HE IS MINE AND ALWAYS BE MINE". I go to the car and get in the back seat, im so stupid, why do I cry for he is always going to be her. I hear the doors open and shut, my heart is hurting and its broken again because of him.

We get back to my house I jump out the car, open the front door. I see my mom, run pass her, and go straight to my room lock the door and crawl under the blanket for a little while sleep wins this time. But, I hope I don't dream of him tonight and any other night too.........


I know you hate me now but I had to do it sorry :(

Is it true love or heart break (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon