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"Lets go." Bethany said leaving the room going back down the hallway. Flash right behind her.

"Do you mind lifting me up?" Bethany said her arms just out of reach of their escape.

Flash lifted her up effortlessly, and she climbed out. She put her arm out for him.

"And you think you're gonna pull me up?"

"Oh don't be sexist I am not weak." Bethany rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't being sexist." Flash mumbled allowing Beth to pull him up. Bethany dusted herself off. Flash watching her curiously.

"Do you mind taking me-" She didn't even finish her sentence, and Flash had her on the roof of her apartment building. "I was gonna say to the CCPD, but this works too." She said getting her bearings.

"I still find your speed incredibly awesome." Bethany smiled taking a seat on the ledge looking at him. "You up to telling me who you are yet?"

"I can't do that."

She got up walking over to him. "Can't or won't?" Bethany said looking up at him. She closed her eyes resting her forehead on his chest listening to his abnormal heartbeat. Through that she relaid small images of her times at each facility. Every time she walked into a new one as she grew up.

"You don't have to hide from me." Bethany whispered. "You can't work with those you don't trust." She turned on her heel heading to the fire escape.

Flash sped so she stood in front of her holding her by the shoulders "I trust you Bethany, but I can't tell you. You need to understand. Its not just you it's everyone."

Bethany nodded. "Okay I understand. I guess its the same concept of me not letting Barry in on my secret. I'm on the run constantly. I don't want to run anymore. I'm so tired of running. Since I have turned eighteen that's all I've been doing!" Bethany said exasperated.

"I will help you Bethany as best I can. Why did you need that paper?"

"It has a name of a man who was there. An army general. General Eiling."

"Eiling? He was in on this? Bethany that is someone I definitely know. My team and I have run into trouble with him once or twice. I'll look into it maybe even find out some answers."

"You do that I need to talk to Barry. Go run off and do your thing." Bethany smiled happy to have made progress. "Wait how can I get ahold of you if I'm in trouble? It's not like you'll be in the neighbourhood every time I need a little help."

"Just push the panic button." He said giving her a little box with a small red button in it. "Gotta run." He winked leaving her up there alone. She smiled to herself almost falling down the stairs in her excitement to talk to Barry.

When she finally made it outside she was practically skipping. That was until she fell into the road. In the middle of the street where a car almost hit her blaring its horn. She rolled out of the way. Taking a breather. "That was too close."

"Well isn't it my lucky day. Hello Bethany I've been looking for you." Bethany whipped around to see the man from earlier staring down at her.

Before he could grab her Bethany teleported away. She started to run, and he came out of an alleyway looking around when he spotted her through the crowd.

She passed a woman with dark hair and pale skin. Bethany brushed past the woman her skin tingling with an odd sensation. She looked down at her hands to see that they no longer looked like hers. "No way." Bethany didn't dwell on it, but continued to run through alleyway after alleyway until she was positive no one had followed her.

A few minutes had passed, and she had no idea what to do. She looked at the front doors of the precinct took a deep breath before walking inside. She couldn't go to anyone in the precinct so she went into the bathroom.

Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror she had to contain a small shriek. Then she remembered the panic button. This counts right?

She hesitated pushing it, but knew she had to. The second she did the familiar gust of wind entered the room blowing her hair everywhere.

"Howd you get that?" Flash said his eyes flashing with anger.

"It's me. Something happened I was on my way here, and I tripped and fell an there was this guy. A man in a leather jacket. He was looking for me. I teleported a safe distance, and I when ran I bumped into a woman and now I look like her!" Bethany paced the room having absolutely no idea what to do.

"What triggered it?"

"Adrenaline I guess. I get bursts of energy. Quick bursts that give my powers a boost, or in this case open doors to new ones." Bethany rubbed her temples trying to think.

"I have an idea."

Bethany looked up to ask what it was when his lips brushed hers giving her a jolt of electricity. Talk about sparks flying. She looked in the mirror looking at her own face. Her own light brown boring hair with her boring brown eyes.

"Don't do that again." Bethany breathed out shaking her head at him.

"It worked didn't it?"

Bethany scrunched her nose. "Yeah, but if you wanted to electrocute me you could've just touched me."

Flash laughed, and oddly Bethany found it familiar. "Progress Bethany. You're making progress." He said after a moment of silence.

"I don't want to be a weapon. Eiling is a general, and generals want weapons. The more my abilities become tuned the more people like him, and Dr. Siward are going to fight to have me. Like you and your speed." Bethany shook her head.

"Did you get the chance to talk to your team? I know I kinda called you right away." Bethany said with a shrug.

"We're working on it. Although we do know he definitely was there working with Dr. Siward."

"That's the kind of progress I want to hear about."


So what should Bethany's name be? I am horrible with names. Any ideas that are Cisco worthy?



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