»» Daddy Likes Control

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that picture honestly he's so daddy af

Not edited!

Comment your honest thoughts please!

I feel like this is so rushed, I'm sorry, I'm trying! x


"We need to eat," Harry said after a few more quiet moments.

"I'm not really hungry," Louis stated, he just didn't want Harry to let his hand go.

"I wasn't asking you, now eat," and Harry let go of Louis' hand.

Louis looked at the plate of food, he picked up a fork and picked at the vegetables that were on his plate.

"Louis, we are not leaving this table until all that food is gone," Harry muttered from where he was sipping at a cup of dark red wine.

"Fine!" Louis groaned inwardly and proceeded to take pieces of food and stuff them in his mouth.

"Oh, I almost forgot, here," and Harry reached into his coat pocket and grabbed a sleek black object.

"I'm fine," Louis mumbled.

"I wasn't asking you," and Harry set the black glossy phone by Louis' water glass.

"I have my own," Louis said.

"You mean that piece of crap of technology?" Harry pointed to Louis' cracked, smudged IPhone 4.

Louis shrugged, "It gets the job done,"

"Well, it's time for it to be replaced. My contact information is already in it, whenever I text or call you answer it immediately no matter what."

"I don't need a phone," and before Louis could react Harry had grabbed his phone and in seconds was dropping it into his cup of water.

"Oh, look at that. Now you do,"

"Asshole," Louis muttered, he grabbed the new phone and clicked through it.

"What did you say?" Harry's voice, though low, was cold and rough.

"I didn't say anything. You're hearing things," Louis said, choosing instead to pick up the fork and stuff his mouth with food before he made matters worse.

Harry's lips curved upwards at the edges before settling into a line. "Also, you're going to quit that petty job of yours,"

Louis frowned, "No. No, I'm not."

"I could give you an intern job for a few months and then by the end you'd be ready to work in the company and you'd get paid about three times as much as you do there. You'd be good at it," Harry continued.

"I don't want to go into the business world, I'm fine where I am. Thanks, but no thanks," Louis replied.

"Louis, do you not understand the good things that could come of this? You could save up and continue your education in less time, you could move out away from Zayn,"

"Stop," Louis interrupted. Harry did stop talking though his face became annoyed, "I can go to a university whenever I want, I choose not to. I don't want to move away from Zayn, he is my best friend, he is the only person I truly trust and I don't want to leave him," Louis said.

"You could make more money,"

"I don't need to make more money, things are fine how they are." Louis insisted.

"We could-"

"No, don't even throw yourself into there. The image that you have planned out is that in a few months I could get a real job, and then afterwards work in the company where you will be at. If- or when things don't work out, I don't want to be stuck with seeing you everyday, I don't think I'd be able to handle it," Louis stated.

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