»» Oh, Louis

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A/n What does the song fools gold symbolise to you?

to me it symbolises the idea that someone is hurting you, and you know they are, and yet you keep going to them because you love the idea of them so much, no matter how much pain they cause you. x

So feel free to ask questions whenever you want if I'm not being clear on somethings and I'll answer.

-not edited- 8.11.15 3.3k

Zayn opened the door to find Louis ringing the doorbell consecutively he knew something was up.

"Where's Harry?" Zayn asked.

Louis stopped ringing the doorbell and looked behind him. "He left," he slurred out slightly.

"Are you drunk?" Zayn demanded.

"Nope," Louis replied, pushing past him. He stumbled along the way and Zayn groaned. Louis drunk was a pain in the arse.

"What the hell Louis? You leave with Harry for a few hours and you're already a mess," Zayn shouted.

Louis shrugged, "I like him, he always kisses me, it's nice,"

"Oh really now?" Zayn said crossing his arms over his bare chest. His pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips.

Louis nodded excitedly, "He took my first kiss," he said with a dreamy face.

"What the actual f.ck?" Zayn cried out in surprise.

How did Harry get Louis so quickly?

"Yeah. He kissed me right-" Louis furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. "You can't tell Zayn though, he's going to kill him,"

"Oh trust me I wouldn't dare tell Zayn," Zayn hissed in anger.

Louis grinned sheepishly, "Here," he pointed to his neck, where fresh purple bruises were showing. "Here," his hand trailed across his chest and down to his hips. "And," Louis hiccuped, "Here," he pointed at his clothed d.ick.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" Zayn remarked in disbelief.

"I'm his," Louis stated proudly.

Zayn rolled his eyes, taking Louis up to his room. "You better come to your senses tomorrow morning," Zayn groaned. Louis started going into detail about the date, all the while telling Zayn to please not tell Zayn anything because he knew he'd be mad.


Louis woke up feeling slightly dizzy and nauseated. He rolled over in his bed groaning in discomfort, when the memories of the night prior slapped him in the face.

Harry pressing his fingers against the inside of his thighs. Harry pushing him down against the bed and Louis being so willing. Harry nudging Louis shirt over his head, and sucking on his skin.

The worst part is Louis let him.

Louis ran to the bathroom, flinging the door open and standing in front of the mirror. He yanked his shirt up, hand slapping over his mouth at the purple bruises littering his chest. He pulled his shirt down to reveal his neck, that was littered with lighter ones.

He shrieked, and Zayn came running almost crashing into him before he stopped himself a foot away.

"I see you came to your senses," Zayn muttered.

"I don't-"

"Save it," Zayn mumbled, shaking his head in disappointment. "I honestly thought you were better than this," he stated as he walked away.

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