Chapter 10

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"So Shadow..."
"As promised you have to give me what I expec-"
Sonic was cut off by Shadow kissing him... Sonic groaned as Shadow caressed his hips, slowly making his way up and down his sides...
"Uhh... Shadow?"
"Yes Sonic? Everything ok?"
"Yeah it's just... You're being to slow for my liking..."
"Oh? I see how it is..."
Shadow slipped his hand into Sonic's pants...
"Fast enough for you?"
Sonic smirked...
"If it was... You'd already be doing me..."
"Oh really? Then I guess I got all the time in the world..."
Sonic grabbed Shadow and pushed him on the bed... Sonic forgot about Shadow's hand being in his pants still and was pulled onto the bed (ouch much?)...
"Ready then?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not going fast enough for you"
Sonic growled...
"I guess it's my turn then?"
"Knock yourself out..."

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