Chapter 8

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Later that day...
"So... Should we tell the others? I mean... Amy might think that when I said no to sleeping with her instead of you... That this was the reason why..."
"And what?"
"What will that do?"
"Not sure what will happen..."
Shadow took Sonic's hand...
"Sonic... The best way to find out is to tell them..."
Shadow let go of Sonic's hand and went to walk out the room...
"Shadow... How long are you staying here for?"
Shadow turned...
"Another night... The next morning I will be leaving... This isn't really my thing..."
Sonic nodded...
"If you leave... Who will be there with me every night I'm here?"
"Sonic you have everyone else here... I think you can last 5 more nights here without me..."
"Please stay here with me... For me..."
"No Sonic..."
"Come on Shadow please just stay here with me!"
"I said no!"
"Just because it's not your thing... Doesn't mean you have to leave me here by myself... I love you so much... You know that... If you're not here... Then how can I show you that I love you?"
"Just stop... Okay... Just... Stop..."
"Why? All I want, is for you to stay, 5 more fucking nights here, with me! Is that too much to ask for?"
Shadow growled...
"Don't use that tone with me! I might just leave now and say to Amy that you changed your mind about not sleeping with her!"
Sonic turned around...
"Do what you want... I don't even care anymore... YOU obviously don't care about ME anymore... First you become so loving, then you want me, then you become stubborn, NOW THIS! MAKE YOUR MIND UP ABOUT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT!"
Shadow walked over to Sonic and smacked him...
"Don't you yell at me! You were the one that loved me! At first I didn't even love you! Then I did! Now you yell at me! You can't tell me to make my mind up!"
Shadow walked out the room... Amy heard yelling and ran to Sonic's room...
"Sonic? Are you alright?"
Sonic sat up and started to cry...
"There's something I need to tell you..."
"It's Shadow... I... I love him... Now he probably hates me..."
Amy gasps as Sonic tells her the whole story...

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